Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

3rd Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing 2013

3rd Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing 2013
26 - 29 May 2013

The increasing awareness of soil as a limited resource, the threats on soil and the challenge to increase soil productivity makes it evident that there is great need to better understand soil variability in space and time. Proximal soil sensing is one answer to this demand. Consequently, this young and quickly evolving discipline has been recently acknowledged as a new working group within the International Union of Soil Sciences.

The 3rd Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing 2013, May 26th to 29th, brings together researchers from various disciplines, including soil science, agricultural engineering, geophysics, spectroscopy, agronomy, spatial statistics, as well as commercial entities involved in the development and use of proximal sensors.

The focus of the meeting will be on: 

• Multi-sensor systems 
• Data fusion 
• Application of proximal soil sensing data 

The workshop will be held under auspices of the Working Group of Proximal Soil Sensing within the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS). It is hosted by: 

• Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering (ATB Potsdam)
• Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ Großbeeren)
• University of Potsdam

Information and Registration




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