Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

Nov 22-23, 2022: AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022 - International Conference on Agricultural Engineering

European agriculture faces major challenges such as climate crisis, decreasing biodiversity and supply chain issues. The joined conference AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK in November 2022 provides an arena to connect expertise and drive forward the needed solutions for future-proofed agricultural engineering.

Sustainable agriculture in Europe, both crop production and animal husbandry, needs to adapt to the changing environmental and social changes. Farmers need to reduce pesticides, improve soil fertility, save biodiversity and in the end drive a economically stable business. Experts from scientific and industrial research and development in agricultural and biosystems engineering, across all areas of agriculture and nutrition, need to work together to offer strategic pathways and technological solutions. This is why the The European Society of Agricultural Engineering (EurAgEng) and the The Association of Engineers (VDI) join there forces and bring together their conference series AgEng and LAND.TECHNIK on November 22-23, 2022 in Berlin.

Main topics of the conference

  • Animal Production Technologies
  • Circular Biobased Economy/Sustainable Energy/Waste Management
  • Farm Buildings
  • Land, Soil and Water Engineering
  • Plant Production Technologies
  • Post-Harvest Technologies
  • Precision Agriculture/Digitalization
  • Tractors/Power Trains/Electrical Drives


In addition to the scientific presentations and industry get together the LeibnizATB invites joung scientist to an preconference program on Nov. 21 with certificate workshops and a postconference program on Nov. 24. The final program you will be set in the middle of July.

The conference will take place 

Date: Nov. 22-23, 2022
Place: Mercure Hotel MOA in Berlin, Germany


More information:

Contact at ATB:  Prof Barbara Sturm


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