
Mitarbeit in Programmbereichen
- Standortangepasste Prozessanlagen und Energiebereitstellungskonzepte
- Übertragbare Systemansätze zur ressourcenschonenden Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln (Energieauditierung, Prozesseffizienz und Qualitätssteigerung)
- Entwicklung berührungsloser, adaptiver Mess- und Regelungssysteme und Sensornetzwerke
- Entwicklung digitaler Produkt- und Prozess Zwillinge (Digital Twins)
- Techno-ökonomische Optimierung der Energie- und Prozesseffizienz in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung
- Bewertung kumulativer Einflüsse auf die Produktqualität entlang von Wertschöpfungsketten
- Trocknungstechnik (Smart Drying Processes)
- Fluid- und thermodynamische Modellierung
- Ressourceneffizienz, Kaskadennutzung von Nebenprodukten - stofflich, energetisch
Preise und Auszeichnungen
Anton-Schlüter-Medaille 2018, KTBL Preis für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen in der Agrartechnik (Habilitationsschrift)
Tebo Umsetzungspreis (Masterarbeit), internationaler Preis (CH, AT, DE) für herausragende industrierelevante Abschlussarbeiten
Kofrányi-Preis für herausragende Leistungen im Fach „Ernährungslehre mit Chemie“, AOK Baden-Württemberg
Mitwirkung in Gremien
- Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Instituts (seit April 2024)
- Mitglied des Stiftungsrats des Leibniz-Instituts für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien (IAMO) (seit Januar 2024)
- Mitglied der CIGR-Arbeitsgruppe Circular Bioeconomy Systems (seit Dezember 2023)
- Editor-in-Chief, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Elsevier Verlag (seit September 2022)
- Mitglied des Beirats des Fraunhofer-Zentrums für Biogene Wertschöpfung und Smart Farming (seit August 2022)
- Mitglied des Fachbeirats Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik im VDI (seit April 2022)
- Mitglied im VDI-Richtlinienausschuss "6311 Bioökonomie, Biologische Transformation und Biologisierung" (seit Januar 2022)
- Mitglied des International Editorial Advisory Board, Drying Technology Journal, Taylor & Francis Group (seit Januar 2021)
- Vizepräsidentin der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (seit November 2021)
- Mitglied des 15. KTBL-Hauptausschusses (seit 16.03.2021)
- Mitglied des Fachausschusses "Forschung und Lehre", VDI-Fachbereich Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik (seit September 2020)
- Gutachterin für Chartership Bewerbungen CEng, Chartered Energy Engineer (seit 2016)
- FutureFoodS – European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems Die Partnerschaft für Nachhaltige Lebensmittelsysteme - SFS - zielt darauf ab, die nationalen, europäischen und globalen Lebensmittelsysteme so umzugestalten, dass sie sicher…
- REFS – Erneuerbare Energie für Ernährungssicherheit (REFS): Optimierung und Hochskalierung eines modularen Solartrockners für die Nachernteverarbeitung von Gemüse in Kenia // Renewable Energy for Food Security (REFS): Optimisation and upscaling of …
- LLSustain – Leibniz-Lab Systemische Nachhaltigkeit - Biodiversität, Klima, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung innerhalb planetarer Grenzen Der rasante Verlust an Biodiversität und anhaltender Klimawandel sind auch Folge intensiver Landwirtschaft. Gleichzei…
- LeibnizLabPP – Leibniz-Lab Pandemic Research Preparedness: One Health, One Future Das Leibniz-Lab Pandemic Preparedness greift die drängendsten Fragen zum Umgang mit zukünftigen Pandemien auf. Dabei wird Expertise aus verschiedenen Disziplinen mit Pr…
- Joint Lab KI & DS – Joint Lab Künstliche Intelligenz & Data Science Im Rahmen des Joint Lab bilden die Universität Osnabrück und das ATB gemeinsam Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden an der Schnittstelle von Agrarwissenschaft und Künstlicher Intelligenz a…
- Bio4Act – Biogene Aktivkohlen und Plattformchemikalien aus Restbiomassen zur Implementierung einer nachhaltigen zirkulären Bioökonomie Die Nachwuchsgruppe Bio4Act verfolgt die Vision aus bisher ungenutzten Restbiomassen aus der Landschaftspflege hoch…
- BaumGesundheit – Rette einen Baum in Sanssouci Der zum Teil unersetzliche Baumbestand in den historischen Gärten und Parks in Brandenburg leidet unter den Folgen des Klimawandels. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig: Lange Trockenzeiten mit Hitzerekorde…
- InnoHof – Leibniz-Innovationshof für nachhaltige Bioökoomie Auf dem Leibniz-Innovationshof für nachhaltige Bioökonomie werden künftig innovative Konzepte und Technologien für eine nachhaltige, zirkuläre Bioökonomie entwickelt und erprobt, indem Landw…
- TWAS – TWAS - DFG research grant Dr. Folasade Olabimpe Adeboyejo Gastaufenthalt zu Forschungszwecken Research Stay
- RealTimeFood – Entwicklung multivariater Regressionsmodelle zur Echtzeitüberwachung physikochemischer Veränderungen in Lebensmitteln während des Trocknungsprozesses mittels Vis-NIR basierter Bildverarbeitungsmethoden Die Trocknung ist die am weiteste…
- Chikpah, S.; Korese, J.; Sturm, B.; Hensel, O. (2025): Evaluation of nutrients, antioxidants and sensory characteristics of optimized wheat-orange-fleshed sweet potato and pumpkin composite bread and storage stability in three packaging materials. Discover Food. (Volume 5, article number 36): p. 0. Online: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s44187-025-00307-8
- Hoffmann, T.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2025): Influence of air flow rate on the cooling characteristics of a single and batch apple fruits. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. (March 2025): p. 103257. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2025.103257
- Schemminger, J.; Raut, S.; Sturm, B.; Defraeye, T. (2024): A hybrid digital shadow to assess biological variability in carrot slices during drying. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. (May 2024): p. 1-21. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2024.102507
- Shamshiri, R.; Sturm, B.; Weltzien, C.; Fulton, J.; Khosla, R.; Schirrmann, M.; Raut, S.; Hanike Basavegowda, D.; Yamin, M.; Hameed, I. (2024): Digitalization of agriculture for sustainable crop production: a use-case review. Frontiers in Environmental Science. : p. 1-32. Online: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2024.1375193
- Babor, M.; Liu, S.; Arefi, A.; Olszewska-Widdrat, A.; Sturm, B.; Venus, J.; Höhne, M. (2024): Domain-Invariant Monitoring for Lactic Acid Production: Transfer Learning from Glucose to Bio-Waste Using Machine Learning Interpretation. Bioresource Technology. : p. 1-23. Online: Preprint: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.5012080
- Hoffmann, T.; Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Sonawane, A.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Heat transfer in large bins during the apples cool-down process. International Journal of Refrigeration. (February 2025): p. 60-69. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.11.023
- Arefi, A.; Sturm, B.; Babor, M.; Horf, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Höhne, M.; Friedrich, K.; Schroedter, L.; Venus, J.; Olszewska-Widdrat, A. (2024): Digital model of biochemical reactions in lactic acid bacterial fermentation of simple glucose and biowaste substrates. Heliyon. (19): p. 38791. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e38791
- Arefi, A.; Sturm, B.; Hoffmann, T. (2024): Explainability of deep convolutional neural networks when it comes to NIR spectral data: a case study of starch content estimation in potato tubers. Food Control. (March 2025): p. 110979. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2024.110979
- Marzban, N.; Libra, J.; Ro, K.; Moloeznik Paniagua, D.; Rotter, V.; Sturm, B.; Filonenko, S. (2024): Hydrochar stability: understanding the role of moisture, time and temperature in its physiochemical changes. Biochar. : p. 38. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42773-024-00329-y
- Hoffmann, T.; Mahajan, P.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M.; Sturm, B.; Linke, M. (2023): Small Peltier element to detect real-time heat flux between apple and environment during postharvest storage. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (October 2023): p. 108247. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2023.108247
Veröffentlichungen vor ATB-Zugehörigkeit
Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften (Auswahl - in chronologischer und alphabetischer Reihenfolge)
A. Amo-Aidoo, O. Hensel, J.K. Korese, F. Abunde Neba, B. Sturm (2021). A framework for optimization of energy efficiency and integration of hybridized-solar energy in agro-industrial plants: Bioethanol production from cassava in Ghana. Energy Reports 7 (2021) 1501-1519, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.03.008
O. Ariyo, O. R. Aderibigbe, T. J. Ojo, B. Sturm, O. Hensel (2021). Determinants of appropriate complementary feeding practices among women with children aged 6-23 months in Iseyin, Nigeria: Scientific African 13 (2021) e00848, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2021.e00848
Gardis J.E. von Gersdorff, Boris Kulig, Oliver Hensel, Barbara Sturm (2020). Method comparison between real-time spectral and laboratory based measurements of moisture content and CIELAB color pattern during dehydration of beef slices. Journal of Food Engineering 294 (2021) 110419, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2020.110419
Korese, J.K., Chikpah, S.K., Hensel, O., Pawelzik, E., Sturm, B. (2021). Efect of orange‑feshed sweet potato four particle size and degree of wheat four substitution on physical, nutritional, textural and sensory properties of cookies, European Food Research and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-020-03672-z
Adeboyejo, F.O., Aderibigbe, O.R., Obarayi, M.T., Sturm, B. (2020). Comparative evaluation of instant 'poundo' cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta ) and yam (Dioscorea rotundata ) flours produced by flash and cabinet drying, International Journal of Food Scinece & Technoogy, https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14703
Aderibigbe O.R., Ezekiel, O.O., Owolade, S.O., Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2020). Exploring the potentials of underutilized grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) along the value chain for food and nutrition security: A review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2020.1825323
Amjad W., Munir, A., Sturm, B. (Dezember 2020). Development of an imaging system for spatially real-time measurement of drying parameters in industrial drying units, CIGR Journal 22(4), 238-249, https://cigrjournal.org/index.php/Ejounral/article/view/5985
Chikpah, S.K., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Effect of Sieve Particle Size and Blend Proportions on the Quality Properties of Peeled and Unpeeled Orange Flesh Sweet Potato Composite Flours, Foods 9, 740.
Jackson, P., Nasirahmadi, A., Guy, J., Bull, S., Avrey, P., Edwards, S.A., Sturm, B. (2020). Using CFD modelling to relate pig lying patterns to environmental variability in finishing pigs. Sustainability 12(5), 1928, https://doi.org/10.3390/su12051928
Jackson, P., Guy, J., Edwards, S., Sturm, B., Bull, S. (2018). Evaluation of an innovative concept building design incorporating passive technology to improve resource efficiency and welfare of finishing pigs, Biosystems Engineering 174, 190-203.
Md Saleh, R., Kulig, B., Emiliozzi, A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Investigation of dynamic quality changes and optimization of drying parameters of carrots (Daucus carota var. laguna), Journal of Food Process Engineering 43, e13314, https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpe.13314
Md Saleh, R., Kulig, B., Emiliozzi, A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Impact of critical control-point based intermittent drying on drying kinetics and quality of carrot (Daucus carota var. laguna), Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 20, 100682, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2020.100682
Nasirahmadi, A., Gonzalez, J., Sturm, B., Hensel, O., Knierim, U. (2020). Pecking activity detection in group-housed turkeys using acoustic data and a deep learning technique, Biosystems Engineering (accepted manuscript).
Ndisya, J., Mbuge, D., Kulig, B., Gitau, A., Hensel, O. Sturm, B. (2020). Hot air drying of purple-fleshed Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) slices: Optimisation of drying conditions for improved product quality and energy savings, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 100557.
Onwude, D. I., Chen, G., Eke-emezie, N., Kabutey, A. , Khaled, A.Y. and Sturm, B. (2020). Recent advances in reducing food losses in the supply chain of fresh agricultural produce, Processes 2020, 8(11), 1431; https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8111431
Raut, S., von Gersdorff, GJE, Münsterer, J., Kammhuber, K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Influence of pre-drying storage time on essential oil components in dried hops (Humulus lupulus L.), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10844
Shrestha, L., Kulig, B., Moscetti, R., Massantini, R., Pawelzik, E., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Comparison between Hyperspectral Imaging and Chemical Analysis of Polyphenol Oxidase Enzyme Activity on Fresh-cut Apple Slices, Journal of Spectroscopy, Article ID 7012525.
Shrestha, L., Kulig, B., Moscetti, R., Massantini, R., Pawelzik, E., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Optimisation of physical and chemical treatments to control the browning development and enzymatic activity on fresh-cut apple slices, Foods 9, 76.
Sturm, B., Raut, S., Kulig, B., Münsterer, J., Kammhuber, K., Hensel, O., Crichton, S.O.J. (2020). In-process investigation of the dynamics in drying behaviour and quality development of hops using visual and environmental sensors combined with chemometrics, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 175, 105547.
Achaglinkame, M.A., Aderibigbe, R.O., Hensel, O., Sturm, B., Korese, J.K. (2019). Nutritional Characteristics of Four Underutilized Edible Wild Fruits of Dietary Interest in Ghana, Foods 8, https://doi.org/10.3390/foods8030104
Forsido, S.F., Tesfaye, H., Balachew, T., Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2019). Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Composit Extruded Complementary Food, Food Science and Nutrition, doi 10.1002/fsn3.940
Nasirahmadi, A., Sturm, B., Edwards, S., Jeppsson, K.H., Olsson, A.C., Müller, S., Hensel, O. (2019). Deep Learning and Machine Vision Apporaches for Posture Detection of Individual Pigs, Sensors 19(17), 3738 https://doi.org/10.3390/s19173738
Nasirahmadi, A., Sturm, B., Olsson, A.C., Jeppson, K.H., Müller, S., Edwards, S., Hensel.O. (2019). Automatic scoring of lateral and sternal lying posture in grouped pigs using image processing and Support Vector Machine, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 156, 475-481.
Ogolla, J., Esper, G., Kirchner, S.M., Breitenbach, J., Okoth, M.W., Hensel, O., Badulescu, L., Sturm, B. (2019). Effect of different processing temperatures on the physical, optical and thermal properties of spray dried camel milk. Food and Bioprocess Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-019-2243-5
Shrestha, L., Crichton, S.O.J., Kulig, B., Kiesel, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Comparative analysis of methods and model prediction performance evaluation for continuous online non-invasive quality assessment during drying of apples from two cultivars, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, doi: 10.1016/j.tsep.2019.100461
Shrestha, L., Parmar, A., Kulig, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Feeding practices of pre-school children and associated factors in Kathmandu, Nepal, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, doi: 10.1111/jhn.12715
Amjad, W., Crichton, S.O.J, Munir, A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of potato slice moisture content and chromaticity during the convective hot air drying process, Biosystems Engineering 166, 170-183.
Crichton, S.O.J., Shrestha, L., Hurlbert, A., Sturm, B. (2018). Prediction of moisture content and chromaticity of raw and pre-treated apple slices during convection drying using hyperspectral imaging, Drying Technology 36, 804-816.
Komasilovs, V., Zacepins, A., Kviesis, A., Nasirahmadi, A., Sturm, B. (2018). Solution for remote real-time visual expertise of agricultural objects, Agronomy Research 16, 464-473.
Parmar, A., Fikre, A., Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2018). Post-harvest management and associated food losses and by-products of cassava in southern Ethiopia, Food Security 10, 419-435.
Saleh, R.M., Nurul Afaz, A.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Investigation and mathematical modelling of adsorption isotherms of a Malaysian variety of purple sweet potato at different temperature, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 7, 326-330.
Crichton, S.O.J., Kirchner, S.M., Porley, V.E., Retz, S., von Gersdorff, G. Hensel, O., Weygandt, M., Sturm, B. (2017). Classification of organic beef freshness using VNIR hyperspectral imaging, Meat Science 129, 20-27.
Crichton, S.O.J., Kirchner, S.M., Porley, V.E. Retz, S., von Gersdorff, G. Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2017). High pH thresholding of beef with VNIR hyperspectral imaging, Meat Science 134, 14-17.
Eiholzer, T., Olsen, D., Sturm, B., Wellig, B. (2017). Integration of a solar thermal system in a medium-sized brewery utilising pinch analysis: A case study, Applied Thermal Engineering 113, 1558-1568.
Gersdorff, G., Porley, V., Retz, S., Hensel, O., Crichton, S.O.J., Sturm, B. (2017). Drying kinetics and quality parameters of dried beef (biltong) subjected to different pre-treatments, Drying Technology 36, 21-32.
Jackson, P., Guy, J., Edwards, S., Sturm, B., Bull, S. (2017). Application of dynamic thermal engineering principles to improve the efficiency of resource use in UK pork production chains, Buildings and Environment 139, 53-62.
Kallon, A., Lebbie, A., Sturm, B., Garnett, T, Wadsworth, R. (2017). Comparative studies of fish smoking and solar drying in the Sierra Leone artisinal finshing industry, Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 8, 40-48.
Miraei Ashtiani, S.-H., Sturm, B., Nasirahmadi, A. (2017). Effects of hot-air and hybrid hot air-microwave drying on drying kinetics and textural quality of nectarine slices, Heat and Mass Transfer, doi: 10.1007/s00231-017-2187-0
Moscetti, R., Sturm, B., Crichton S., Massantini, R. (2017). Monitoring of organic potato (cv. Anuschka) during hot-air drying using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging, Science of Food and Agriculture, doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8737
Nasirahmadi, A., Edwards, S., Matheson, S., Sturm, B. (2017). Using automated image analysis in pig behavioural research: Assessment of the influence of enrichment substrate provision on lying behaviour, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2017.06.015
Nasirahmadi, A., Edwards, S., Sturm, B. (2017). Implementation of machine vision for detecting behaviour of cattle and pigs, Livestock Science 202, 25-38.
Ogolla, J., Dede, C., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2017). Strategies and Technologies for Camel Milk Preservation and Utilization for Non-Marketed Milk in Pastoral Regions, East African Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (accepted manuscript).
Parmar, A., Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2017). Post-harvest handling practices and associated food losses and limitations in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) value chain of southern Ethiopia, NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 80, 65-74.
Parmar, A., Kirchner, S.M., Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2017). Pre-harvest curing: effects on skin-adhesion, chemical composition and shelf life of sweetpotato roots in tropical conditions, East African Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, doi: 10.1080/00128325.2017.1340141
Parmar, A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2017). Crops that feed the world: Production and improvement of cassava for food, feed, and industrial uses, Food Security 9, 907-927.
Retz, S., Gersdorff, G., Porley, V., Hensel, O., Crichton, S.O.J., Sturm, B. (2017). Effect of maturation and freezing on quality and drying kinetics of beef, Drying Technology 35, 2002-2014.
Underwood, C.P., Royapoor, M., Sturm, B. (2017). Paramedric modelling of domestic air-source heat pumps, Energy and Buildings 139, 578-589.
Amjad, W., Hensel. O., Munir, A., Esper, A., Sturm, B. (2016). Thermodynamic analysis of drying of potato slices in a diagonal-batch dryer developed for batch uniformity, Journal of Food Engineering 169, 238-249.
Korese, J.K., Sturm, B., Roman, F., Hensel, O. (2016). Simulation of transient heat transfer during cooling and heating of whole sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L). Lam.) roots under forced-air conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering 111, 1171-1178.
Meyers, S., Schmitt, B., Chester Jones, M., Sturm, B. (2016). Energy efficiency, carbon emissions and measures towards emission reduction in the Food and Beverage sector for Six European Countries, Energy 104, 266-283.
Nasirahmadi, A., Hensel, O., Edwards, S., Sturm, B. (2016). Automatic Detection of Mounting Behaviours Among Pigs Using Image Analysis, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 124, 295-302.
Nasirahmadi, A., Hensel, O., Edwards, S., Sturm, B. (2016). A new approach for categorizing pig lying behaviour based on a Delaunay triangulation method, Animal 11 (1), 131-139.
Nunez Vega, A.M., Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2016). Simulation of the convective drying process with automatic control of surface temperature, Journal of Food Engineering 170, 16-23.
Schmitt, C., Sturm, B., Grupa, U., Hensel, O. (2016). Analysis of the Influence of Different Factors on the Quality of a Curd-Whey Mixture during Pumping, LWT – Food Science and Technology 65, 88-97.
Nasirahmadi, A., Edwards, S., Richter, U., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2015). Using machine vision for investigation of changes in pig group lying patterns, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 119, 184-190.
Sturm, B., Meyers, S., Zhang, Y.J, Law, R., Siqueiros Valencia, E. J., Bao, H., Wang, Y. D., Chen, H. S. (2015). Process intensification and integration of solar heat generation in the Chinese condiment sector – a case study of a medium sized Beijing based factory, Energy Conversion and Management 106, 1295-1308.
Siqueiros, E., Wang, Y., Sturm, B. Law, R., Li, K., Li, Y., Roskilly, T., Huang, Y. (2014). Waste utilization in a spirit plant as alternative to fossil fuels, Energy Procedia 61, 1208-1212.
Sturm, B., Maier, M., Royapoor, M. & Joyce, S. (2014). Dependency of Production Planning on Availability of Thermal Energy in Commercial Green Houses – A Case Study in Germany, Applied Thermal Engineering 71, 239-247.
Sturm, B., Nunez Vega, A.M., Hofacker, W. (2014). Influence of process control on drying kinetics, colour and shrinkage of air dried apples, Applied Thermal Engineering 62, 456-460.
Sturm, B., Hugenschmidt, S., Joyce, S., Hofacker, W., Roskilly, A. P. (2013). Opportunities and barriers for efficient energy use in a medium sized brewery, Applied Thermal Engineering 53, 397-404.
2012 und älter
Saleh, R.Md., Kulig, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2012). Investigation of dynamic quality changes and optimization of drying parameters of carrots (Daucus carota Var. Laguna), Journal of Food Process Engineering, e13314.
Sturm, B., Butcher, M., Wang, Y. D., Huang, Y., Roskilly, A. P. (2012). The feasibility of the sustainable energy supply from bio wastes for a small scale brewery – A case study, Applied Thermal Engineering 39, 45-52.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. & Hensel, O. (2012). Optimizing the drying parameters for hot air dried apples, Drying Technology 30, 1570-1582.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2008). Optimisation of the Drying Process by Controlling Product Temperature, Journal of EcoAgriTourism 4 (1-2), 261-265.
Bücher und Buchkapitel, Monographien und Leitfäden (in chronologischer und alphabetischer Reihenfolge)
Sturm, B., Esper, A., …, Saleh, R.Md., von Gersdroff, G.J.E. (2019). Processing and Quality Guidelines for Organic Food Processing, http://orgprints.org/35271/ (erhältlich auf Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch und Rumänisch).
Gersdorff, G. v., Bantle, M., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Chapter 7: Preservation of Organic Food Products - Drying and chilling/freezing of perishable foods in the organic sector, In Galanakis, C.M. (Ed), Sustainable Food Systems from Agriculture to Industry – Improving Production and Processing, Academic Press, 245-274.
Sturm, B. (2018). Systemic optimisation and design approach for thermal food processes - Increase of quality, process- and resource efficiency in dried agricultural products manufacturing, Habilitationsschrift, Universität Kassel, Witzenhausen.
Sturm, B. (2018). Chapter 10: Automatic control of apple drying with respect to product quality and air velocity, In Martynenko, A. & Beck, A. (Eds): Intelligent Control in Drying, CRC Press, 211-230.
2017 und älter
Sturm, B. & Hensel, O. (2017). Chapter 13: Pigments and nutrients during vegetable drying processes, dried products storage and their associated colour changes, In Zhang, M. & Mujumdar, A.S. (Eds): Handbook of Drying of Vegetables and Vegetable Products, CRC Press, 257-277.
Sturm, B. (2010). Einfluss der Führung des Trocknungsprozesses auf den Trocknungsverlauf und die Produkteigenschaften empfindlicher Güter, Forschungsbericht Agrartechnik des Arbeitskreises Forschung und Lehre der Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik im VDI (VDI-MEG) 491, Promotionsschrift Universität Kassel, Witzenhausen, https://d-nb.info/1010931016/34
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2009). Optical monitoring and control of drying processes. In Katalinic, B. (Ed) DAAAM International Scientific Book, 501-512.
Konferenzbeiträge (in chronologischer und alphabetischer Reihenfolge)
Aderibigbe, O.R., Igwe, C.H., Awe, S.F., Sturm, B. (2020). Evaluation of the nutrient and antinutrient composition of bouillon cubes developed from fermented condiments of castor oils seeds (Racinus communis Linn.), Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, September 9 – 11, 2020.
Chikpah, S., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B., Pawelzik, E. (2020). Rheological properties of orange fleshed sweet potato, pumpkin and wheat blended flour doughs and quality characteristics of breads, Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, September 9 – 11, 2020.
Chikpah, S., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B., Pawelzik, E. (2020). Effect of incorporating peeled and unpeeled orange fleshed sweet potato flour on rheological properties of dough and quality characteristics of bread, Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, September 9 – 11, 2020.
Chikpah, S., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B., Pawelzik, E. (2020). Effect of flour blends and baking conditions on the quality of orange fleshed sweet potato-pumpkin-wheat composite breads during storage, Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, September 9 – 11, 2020.
Korese, J.K., Achaglinkame, M.A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Drying kinetics and quality attributes of Gardenia erubescens fruits as affected by slice thickness, pretreatment and drying air temperature, Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, September 9 – 11, 2020.
Raut, S., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2020). Developing Smart Dryers Using Adaptive Control System To Improve Food Product Quality, International Drying Symposium 2020, 27.06.-01.07. 2020, Worchester, Massachusetts (angenommener Beitrag).
Sturm, B., Martynenko, A. (2020). Towards a system view on intelligent drying, International Drying Symposium 2020, 27.06.-01.07. 2020, Worchester, Massachusetts (angenommener Beitrag).
Sturm, B., Raut, S., Chikpah, S.K., Ndisya, J., Hensel, O., Esper, A., Korese, J.K. (2020). Improving nutritional security in sub-Saharan Africa through the production of dried products from underutilised species, International Drying Symposium 2020, 27.06.-01.07. 2020, Worchester, Massachusetts (angenommener Beitrag).
Aidoo, A., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). A Review Of Solar Energy Policy And Applications In Ghana, Towards Sustainable Development Goal 7 And 13, In proceedings of Sustainability: Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice, and Action STTPA Annual Meeting 2019, Toronto, Canada, 16.-18- October 2019.
Aidoo, A., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Strategies for promoting sustainable development in Africa through enhanced SDG 5 and SDG 15 implementation: The case of Ghana, 5th Annual FLARE Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 23.-25. August 2019.
Aidoo, A., Hensel, O., Korese, J.K., Sturm, B. (2019). Energy assessment, optimization and solar energy integration - Case study cereal processing in Ghana, Herrenhausen Konferenz 2019: Extreme Events - Building Climate Resilient Societies.
Chikpah, S.K., Korese, J.K., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Effect of Sieve Particle Size on Quality Attributes of Peeled and Unpeeled Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Composite Flour, Tropentag 2019, Kassel, Germany, 18.-20. September 2019, Paper ID673.
Chikpah, S.K., Aderibigbe, O.R., Sturm, B., Esper, A., Hensel, O., Korese, J.K. (2019). Composite Flour Blends: Effect of Particle Size of Peeled and Unpeeled Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Flours on Quality Characteristics of Cookies, Tropentag 2019, Kassel, Germany, 18.-20. September 2019, Paper ID678.
Gersdorff, G. v., Kirchner, S., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Developent of robust algorithms for non-invasive real time measurement of product status throughout the drying process of beef slices, International Drying Symposium 2020, 27.06.-01.07. 2020, Worchester, Massachusetts (angenommener Beitrag).
Gersdorff, G. v., Kirchner, S., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). First steps towards smart drying of beef slices seasoned with different pre-treatments, Proceedings of the Eurodrying’2019, Torino, Italy, 10.-12. July 2019, 166-171.
Korese, J.K., Achaglinkame, M.A., Aderibigbe, O.R., Hensel, O., Esper, A., Sturm, B. (2019). Effect of Pre-treatment and Integration of Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) as Dissicants on Quality Parameters of Frafra Potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius) during Solar Drying, Tropentag 2019, Kassel, Germany, 18.-20. September 2019, Paper ID683.
Lange, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Small-Scale Processing and Marketing of Underutilised Vegetables – What Role for Women’s Livelihoods in Ghana?, Tropentag 2019, Kassel, Germany, 18.-20. September 2019, Paper ID793.
Martynenko, A., Sturm, B. (2019). The shift of paradigm from steady-state to intelligent drying, Eurodrying’2019, Torino, Italy, 10.-12. July 2019.
Moscetti, R., Massaro, S., Chillemi, G., Sanna, N., Sturm, B., Chakravatula, S.S.N., Massantini, R. (2019). Recognition of inlet wet food into the drying process through a deep learning approach, Proceedings of the Eurodrying’2019, Torino, Italy, 219-223.
Moscetti, R., Raponi, F., Sturm, B., Chakravatula, S.S.N., Massantini, R. (2019). Feasibility of computer vision as process analytical technology for the drying of organic apple slices, Proceedings of the Eurodrying’2019, Torino, Italy, 10.-12. July 2019, 488-493.
Nasirahmadi, A., Gonzales, J., Knierim, U., Hensel, O., Müller, S., Sturm, B. (2019). Application of deep learning techniques for monitoring of livestock behaviour, KTBL Tagungsband 14. Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung, Bonn, Germany, 24.-26. September 2019, 130-135.
Ndisya, J., Mbuge, D.O., Kulig, B., Gitau, A.N., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Investigation of the drying behavior of Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott), 15th RUFORUM AGM, 02.-06. Dezember 2019, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Ndisya, J., Mbuge, D.O., Gitau, A.N., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). A scoping study of the Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) Value chain in Kenya: Production, post-harvest handling and consumption behavior, 15th RUFORUM AGM, 02.-06. Dezember 2019, Cape Coast, Ghana, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3583470
Ojo, O.J., Aderibigbe, O.R., Ariyo, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Diversity of Complementary foods and anthropometric characteristics of children aged 6.23 months in Iseyin, Nigeria, Federation of African Nutrition Scientists (FANUS) conference, Kigali, Ruwanda, 28. August 2019 (eingereicht).
Raut, S., von Gersdorff, G., Wittkamp, S., Münsterre, J., Kammhuber, K., Kulig, B., Hensel, O, Sturm, B. (2019). Influence of storage time on essential oil components in dried hops, Proceedings of the Eurodrying’2019, Torino, Italy, 10.-12. July 2019, 415-420.
Saleh, R.Md., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). Degradation kinetics of color in organic carrot (Daucus carota v. Laguna) during convective drying. Proceeding of 2nd International Food Research Conference, 27-29 August 2019, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 93-97.
Saleh, R.M., Kulig, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2019). The effect of intermittent drying on drying kinetics of organic carrot (Daucus Carota v. Laguna). Proceedings of the Eurodrying’2019, Torino, Italy, 10.-12. 2019, 526-532.
Seeger, J.N., Ziebell, H., Amari, K., Then, C., Möckel, T., Grüner, E., Sturm, B., Nasirahmadi, A., Shrestha, L., Böhm, H., Saucke, H. (2019). On-farm Untersuchungen zum Nanovirus PNYDV (Pea nerotic yellow dwarf virus) an Ackerbohne (Vicia faba). 15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Kassel, Germany, 05.-08. March 2019, ID 277 (Poster).
Sturm, B., Lange, B., Raut, S., Hensel, O. (2019). Participatory and Collaborative Strategies for Out-, Up- and Deep Scaling of Post-Harvest Innovations in West Africa, Tropentag 2019, Kassel, Germany, 18.-20. September 2019, Paper ID917.
Sturm, B., Nasirahmadi, A., Kulig, B., Müller, S. (2019). Precision Livestock Farming – Wie viel Digitalisierung verträgt beziehungsweise braucht die Tierhaltung?, 51. Tagungsband Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie, 28.-30. November 2019, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, 1-16.
Sturm, B., von Gersdorff, G.J.E., Raut, S., Hensel, O. (2019) SusOrgPlus – Intelligente Lebensmittelverarbeitung, natürliche Zusatz- und Farbstoffe, 15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Kassel, Germany, 05.-08. March 2019, ID 290.
Zlatev, Z., Sturm, B., Stoykova, V. (2019). Implementation of a Document Camera as and Information Tool for Obtaining Optical Characteristics of Food Products Proceedings of the 14th International Conference On Virtual Learning, 133-138.
Achaglinkame, M. A., Aderibigbe, R. O., Hensel, O., Sturm, B., Korese, J. K. (2018). Nutritional knowledge of two underutilized forest fruits for increased consumption and food product development in Ghana, WACCI International Conference on Food and Nutritional Security in Africa, Legon, Ghana, 03.-04. October 2018.
Gersdorff, G. v., Shrestha, L., Raut, S., Retz, S., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Impact of processing temperature on drying behaviour and quality changes in organic beef, Proceedings of the 21st International Drying Symposium, 11.-14. September 2018, Valencia, Spain, 1823-1830.
Jackson, P., Guy, J., Nasirahmadi, A., Edwards, S.A., Sturm, B., Bull, S (2018). Using CFD modelling to assess thermal comfort and welfare in sustainable housing systems for finisher pigs, UFAW Animal Welfare Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 28. June 2018.
Komasilovs, V., Kviesis, A., Zacepins, A., Nasriahmadi, A., Sturm, B. (2018). Solution for remote real-time visual expertise of agricultural objects, Biosystems Engineering 2018, Tartu, Estonia, 9.-11. May 2018.
Lange, B., Raut, S., Rice, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). A Framework for the Assessment of Economic Viability of Small-Scale Renewable Energy Driven Post-Harvest Technologies for Processing of Underutilized Fruits and Vegetables in West Africa Tropentag 2018, Ghent, Belgium, 17.-19. September 2018.
Nasirahmadi, A., Hensel, O., Müller, S.; Kirchhofer, P., Sturm, B. (2018). Side and belly lying posture detection in group pig based on binary images and SVM classifier, AgEng 2018, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2018, 08.-11. July 2018, ID 324.
Saleh, R.M., Karim, N.A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Quality Changes of Different Varieties of Sweet Potato under Curing Condition, Tropentag 2018, Ghent, Belgium, 17.-19. September 2018.
Seeger, J.N., Ziebell, H., Amari, K., Then, C., Möckel, T., Grüner, E., Sturm, B., Nasirahmadi, A., Shrestha, L., Böhm, H., Saucke, H. (2018). Neue Erkenntnisse zum Nanovirus PNYDY in Ackerbohnen und Erbsen (New knowledge about the Nanovirus PHYDY in faba beens and field pea), 61. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V. From Big Data to Smart Farming, Kiel, Germany, 25.-27- September 2018, Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 461, 2018, 159-160 (Poster).
Seeger, J.N., Ziebell, H., Amari, K., Then, C., Möckel, T., Grüner, E., Sturm, B., Nasirahmadi, A., Shrestha, L., Böhm, H., Saucke, H. (2018). Charakterisierung der Symptomatik neuartiger Nanovirus-Infektionen in Körnerleguminosen mit Hilfe fernoptischer Methoden, 61. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztage, Hohenheim, Germany, 11.-14. September 2018, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften 30, 61-62.
Shrestha, L., Gurung, P., Kulig, B., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Willingness and knowledge of Nepalese mothers to improve babies’ diet to upgrade their nutritional status, Tropentag 2018, Ghent, Belgium, 17.-19. September 2018.
Shrestha, L., Moscetti, R., Crichton, S.O.J., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2018). Organic apples (cv. Elstar) quality evaluation during hot-air drying using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging, Proceedings of the 21st International Drying Symposium, Valencia, Spain, 11.-14. September 2018, 973-980.
Sturm, B., Moscetti, R., Raut, S., Massantini, R., Bantle, M. (2018). Smart drying in organic food processing: Increase of resource use efficiency and product quality, 21st International Drying Symposium, Valencia, Spain, 11.-14. September 2018, 171-178.
Gersdorff, G. v., Crichton, S., Retz, S., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2017). Organic Beef Drying, 2nd Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 07.-09. June 2017.
Hossain, M.K., Sturm, B., Quadt, A., Hensel, O. (2017). A Sustainable Natural Resource (Moringa oleifera) in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Areas: An Intensive Literature Review, Tropentag 2017, Bonn, Germany, 20.-22. September 2017.
Jackson, P., Guy, J., Edwards, S.A., Sturm, B., Bull, S. (2017). Innovative concept building design using passive technology to improve resource efficiency and welfare of pigs, 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Ede, The Netherlands, 05.-08. September 2017.
Jackson, P., Guy, J., Edwards, S.A., Sturm, B., Bull, S. (2017). Innovative concept building design using passive technology to improve resource efficiency and welfare of pigs, N8 AgriFood 2017 Conference, Durham, UK, 11.07.-13.07.2017.
Miyingo, E.W., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2017). Pineapple Processing in Central Uganda, Tropentag 2017, Bonn, Germany, 20.-22. September 2017.
Moscetti, R., Sturm, B., Crichton, S., Massantini, R. (2017). Real-time monitoring of fruit and vegetables during hot-air drying using NIR spectroscopy, International Conference on Food Innovation (FoodInnova) 2017, Cesena, Italy, , 31. January 2017.
Ogolla, J., Dede, C., Meyers, S., Schmitt, B., Okoth, M.W., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2017). An Optimised Solar Camel Milk Powder Processing Plant for a Rural Arid and Semi-arid Regions, Tropentag 2017, Bonn, Germany, 20.-22. September 2017.
Saleh, R.M., Sturm, B., Hensel, O., Yahya, S. (2017). Drying Kinetics of Purple Flesh Sweet Potato Grown in Malaysia, Tropentag 2017, Bonn, Germany, 20.-22. September 2017.
Sturm, B. (2017). SusOrganic: Development of Quality Standards and Optimised Processing Methods for Organic Produce, 2nd Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 07.-09. June 2017.
Sturm, B., Gersdorff, G. v., Moscetti, R., Bantle, M. (2017). Market, consumer and technology analyses on the organic processing sector in five EU countries, 2nd Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 07.-09. June 2017.
Sturm, B., Gersdorff, G. v., Hensel, O., Crichton, S. (2017). Drying of Organic Hops and Herbs, 2nd Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 07.-09. June 2017.
Crichton, S., Münsterer, J., Kammhuber, K., Sturm, B. (2016). Measurement of hop moisture content and chromaticity during drying with VNIR hyperspectral imaging, Proceedings of the CIGR – AgEng 2016, Aarhus, Denmark, 26.-29. June 2016, 1-8 ref.14.
Gersdorff, G. v., Crichton, S., Retz, S., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2016). Drying of fresh organic beef with different pre-treatments, Proceedings of the International Drying Symposium (IDS 2016), Gifu, Japan, 07.08.-10.08. 2016, B-6-5.
Nasirahmadi, A., Edwards, S., Sturm, B. (2016). Investigating the effect of rooting substrate provision on the group lying behaviour of pigs using machine vision, CIGR – AgEng 2016, Aarhus, Denmark, 26.-29. June 2016, 1-5 ref.15.
Ogolla, J., Dede, C., Okoth, M.W., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2016). Strategies and Technologies for Camel Milk Preservation and Utilisation of Non-Marketed Milk in Pastoral Regions, Tropentag 2016, Vienna, Austria, 18.09.-21-09. 2016.
Parmar, A., Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2016). Assessment of Food Loss and Waste (FLW) Associated with the Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Root Value Chain in Southern Ethiopia, Tropentag 2016, Vienna, Austria, 18.09.-21-09. 2016.
Sturm, B., Münsterer, J., Kammhuber, K., Crichton, S. (2016). Impact of bulk weight on drying behaviour and hop quality after drying, CIGR – AgEng 2016, Aarhus, Denmark, 26.-29. June 2016, 1-5 ref.13.
Sturm B., Pittia P. (2016). Development of quality standards and optimised processing methods for organic produce: the SUSORGANIC project, 4th ISEKI-Food Conference, Vienna (AT), 06.-08. July 2016.
Crichton, S., Sturm, B., Hurlbert, A. (2015). Moisture content measurement in dried apple produce through visible wavelength hyperspectral imaging, Proceedings of the 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 26.-30. July 2015, Paper 152186400.
Jackson, P. Guy, J., Sturm, B., Bull, S., Edwards, S. (2015). Application of process engineering principles to improve the efficiency of resource use in UK pork production chains, 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 26.-30. July 2015, Paper 152188947.
Nasirahmadi, A., Edwards, S., Richter, U., Sturm, B. (2015). Automatic detection of changes in pig group lying behaviour using image analysis, 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 26.-30. July 2015, Paper 152188972.
Parmar, A., Hensel, O., Sturm, B. (2015). Assessment of post-harvest handling practice and associated losses and limitations in the value-chain of sweet potato (lpomoeabatatas L. Lam) root: a case study from SNNPR, Ethiopia, Tropentag 2015, Berlin, Germany, 16.-18. September 2015.
Sturm, B., Meyers, S., Chester Jones, M., Schmitt, B. (2015). A survey of the energy consumption patterns and potential methods for energy efficiency and renewable energy integration within the food and beverage industries of five European countries, 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 26.-30. July 2015, Paper 152189690.
Sturm, B., Hensel, O. (2015). Holistic Approach for Quality Optimised and Resource Efficient Production of Dried Foodstuffs, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology of Drying 2014. October 22-24, 2014. Bogotá.
Nunez-Vega, AM., Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2012). Simulation of the convective drying process with automatic control of surface temperature, Proceedings of the IDS 2012, 11.11.-15.11.2012, Xiamen, China, Paper 037.
Sturm, B., Maier, M., Joyce, S. & Roskilly, A. P. (2012). Dependency of production planning on availability of thermal energy in commercial green houses, ICAE2012, 05.-08.07.2012, Suzhou, China, Paper A10338.
Sturm, B., Nunez-Vega, A.M., Hofacker, W., Hensel, O. (2012). Influence of air velocity on drying kinetics and product quality in drying of apples, Proceedings of the CIGR-AgEng2012 'Agriculture & Engineering for a Healthier Life' 8-12 July 2012, Valencia, Spain, Paper C1569.
Sturm, B., Matchett, L., Joyce, S., Roskilly, A.P. (2012). Thermal Management in Pig Farming – Potentials of Renewable Energy Use , Proceedings of the CIGR-AgEng2012 'Agriculture & Engineering for a Healthier Life' 8-12 July 2012, Valencia, Spain, Paper C1570.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W.C., Roskilly, A.P. (2012). Influence of Process Control on Drying Kinetics and Product Attributes of Sensitive Biological Products, Proceedings of the IDS 2012, 11.11.-15.11.2012, Xiamen, China, Paper 294.
Sturm, B., Hugenschmidt, S., Hofacker, W., Roskilly, A. P. (2011). Opportunities and barriers for efficient energy use in a medium-sized brewery, Proceedings of the Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SusTEM2011), Newcastle upon Tyne, 25. – 27.10.2011, pp. 335-343.
Sturm, B. Smith, T.R., Joyce, S., Roskilly, A.P. (2011). Process modelling of waste heat recovery in the food manufacturing sector, Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation 22, pp. 43-44.
Wu, D., Sturm, B., Hugenschmidt, S., Roskilly, A.P. (2011). Process Optimisation of Brewery Plant with Biogas fired CHP/Trigenenration, Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SusTEM2011), Newcastle upon Tyne, 25. – 27.10.2011.
Sturm, B., Wang, Y. D., Huang, Y., Ammar, Y, Joyce, S., Roskilly, A. P. (2010). Energy Generation from bio-wastes in a brewery – A case study, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 24.-27.08.2010, Shanghai, China, RE-222.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2010). Control Strategies for stepwise drying of agricultural products, Proceedings of the 17th International Drying Symposium, 3.-6. October 2010, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 178-183.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2009). Improvement of the Quality of Dried Food Products using Optimized Control Strategies for the Product Temperature, Proceedings of the Fourth Nordic Drying Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland 17.-19.06.2009.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W., Hensel, O. (2009). Automatic Control of Drying Processes of Biological Materials using Optical Sensors to acquire Surface Temperature, Color and Shape, Proceedings of the Annual International Meeting of the ASABE 2009, Reno, Nevada 21.-24.06.2009, Paper Number 09 6219.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2009). Evaluation of different temperature Control strategies for apple drying, Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the 20th international DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation 20, pp. 366-367.
Hofacker, W., Sturm, B. (2008). Verbesserung der Produktqualität getrockneter Lebensmittel durch Regelung der Produkttemperatur (Improvement of product quality of food stuffs by automatic control of product temperatures), ProcessNet-Fachausschuss „Trocknungstechnik“, VDI, Halle / Saale 5.-6.3.2008.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2008). OPTIMISATION OF THE DRYING PROCESS BY CONTROLLING PRODUCT TEMPERATURE, Proceeding of the International Conference BIOATLAS 2008 Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2008). Determination of Quality Changes during the Production of Dried Food Products using Colorimetry, Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation 19, 1263-1264.
Sturm, B., Hofacker, W. (2007). On the Improvement of Dried Agricultural Products via Active Temperature Control. Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the 18th international DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation 18, 723-724.
Curriculum Vitae
Seit 11/2022
Präsidentin der European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng)
Seit 11/2021
Vizepräsidentin der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
Seit 10/2020
Wissenschaftliche Direktorin am ATB und in gemeinsamer Berufung Professorin für "Agrartechnik in bioökonomischen Systemen" an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Venia Legendi im Fach Agrartechnik
Habilitation für das Fach Agrartechnik, Universität Kassel
Thema der Arbeit: “Systemic optimisation and design approach for thermal food processes - Increase of quality, process- and resource efficiency in dried agricultural products manufacturing”
10/2014 – 09/2020
Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe “Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik in der Landwirtschaft“ (ehemals Nachwuchsgruppe Nacherntetechnologien und Verarbeitung), Fachgebiet Agrartechnik, Fachbereich ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Universität Kassel
06/2014 – 08/2017
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Senior Research Associate), School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University (GB)
09/2013 - 09/2014
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fachgebiet Agrartechnik, Universität Kassel (Dienstortverlegung nach Newcastle)
01/2012 - 01/2014
Thermal Energy Management Coordinator, Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability, Newcastle University (GB)
07/2010 – 12/2011
DAAD Postdoc Forschungsstipendiatin, Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability, Newcastle University (GB)
09/2009 – 06/2010
Forschungs- und Entwicklungsingenieurin, Innotech Ingenieursges. mbH, Altdorf
Promotion, Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Agrartechnik
Thema der Arbeit: „Einfluss der Führung des Trocknungsprozesses auf den Trocknungsverlauf und die Produkteigenschaften empfindlicher biologischer Güter“
10/2006 - 08/2009
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fakultät Maschinenbau, HTWG Konstanz
03/2005 - 09/2006
Masterstudium der Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik, Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG) Konstanz
03/2002 - 02/2005
Diplomstudium der Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik, Fachhochschule Konstanz
10/2000 - 02/2002
Studium der Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik (Vordiplom), Fachhochschule Furtwangen
Internationale Forschungsaufenthalte
2017 - 2020
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University
School of Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences, Newcastle University
2012 – 2017
Gastprofessorin: School of Mechanical Engineering, Guangxi University of Technology, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China
Institute for Engineering Thermophysics, Chinesische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Peking, China
School of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland und School of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Australien