Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln

Foto: ATB

Transatlantic exchange

ATB scientist Michael Pflanz explaining concepts for modelling 3D tree geometry of fruit trees for precise spraying (Photo: ATB)

Participants of the symposium at ATB (Photo: ATB)

Feb 5, 2019: Experts from Washington State, U.S., and from German institutions met at ATB to discuss latest technological approaches, in particular in the field of digitization in precision agri- and horticulture. 

The mini symposium, held at ATB on February 5, 2019, highlighted latest developments as well as future research tasks in the field of precision agriculture and precision horticulture. The meeting included a tour through ATB's research facilities and offered space for fruitful discussions and for projecting future collaboration.

The American delegation was constituted by representatives of the Washington State Department of Agriculture, the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission and the Washington State University. The German side was represented by scientists from ATB, University of Bonn, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute and by experts from Kompetenzzentrum Obstbau-Bodensee in Bavendorf (KOB). 

Washington is a leading agricultural state and one of the main producers of fruit (in particular apples, red raspberries, pears, sweet cherries, and grapes) and vegetables. The apple industry is of particular importance to Washington because of its favorable climate of dry, warm summers and cold winters. Washington has led the U.S. in apple production since the 1920s.

Contact ATB: Dr. Manuela Zude-Sasse




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