Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln

Foto: ATB

Oct 13, 2021: Business environment tool – Launching workshop (online)

The RUBIZMO project is launching the Business Environment Tool - a structured platform for coordinated engagement by local stakeholders involved in rural enterprise development.

This workshop will introduce the Business Environment Tool and related material developed during the course of the H2020 project Rubizmo. The Business Environment tool provides a structured platform for coordinated engagement by local stakeholders involved in rural enterprise development.

For whom?
This workshop is aimed at stakeholders actively involved in supporting rural businesses (via funding, education, training, technology, etc.) - stakeholders who are looking for tools or methods to support more coordination in their rural enterprise development work.
Participants will learn how to implement this workshop process in a local setting.

Time: October, 13 -  11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

The workshop will be held online.

For registration please contact: Dr. Muluken Elias Adamseged - 

The workshop is organized by:

  • RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden: RISE is the coordinator of the Rubizmo project and co-led the development of the Business Environment Tool. RISE, unit for Agriculutre and Food has a long experience of implementing innovation for the agri-food sector, including environmental engineering, resource management, social acceptance, and business development.
  • ATB – Leibniz Institute for Agro Engineering and Bioeconomy: ATB is the Work Package leader for the “supportive environment for successful rural buisnesses” within Rubizmo. ATB co-led the development of the Business Environment Tool by providing the theoritical and empirical foundations and creating the format of the Business Environment Tool. Research focuses on the development of business models and business environments for modern bioeconomies, and the role of sociotechnical systems.
  • IRL – Irish Rural Link: IRL is leading the task reviewing the usability, usefulness and acceptability of the Business Environment Tool. IRL has been active through the development of the tool and especially developing the set of guidelines. IRL was established to represent the interests of locally based rural groups and play an important role in the Irish rural development by sharing state-of-the-art knowledge and best practices to its stakeholders.

The RUBIZMO project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°773621




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