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Foto: ATB

Meeting of the EU funding networks SusAn, ERA-GAS & ICT-AGRI at ATB

Participants of the Joint Workshop of the ERA-Nets SusAn, ERA-GAS & ICT-AGRI (Phot: Foltan/ATB)

Nov 30, 2016: ‘Smart mitigation of GHG emissions in livestock production ‘ was the title of a joint workshop of three ERA-Nets SusAn, ERA-GAS & ICT-AGRI hosted by Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ATB) on Nov 28-30, 2016 in Potsdam. The meeting was organized by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, BLE).

Three different EU funding networks: ERA-NET SusAn (ERA-NET on Sustainable Animal Production Systems), ERA-GAS (Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Mitigation in Agri- and Silviculture), and ICT-AGRI 2 (Information and Communication Technologies and Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture) were organizing a joint workshop to identify promising system approaches to reduce GHG emissions in livestock production and set coming research priorities. The cooperation between the ERA-NETs is a perfect example of generating synergies and is highly appreciated by the Commission.

Background: More than 100 countries pledged to reduce GHG emissions in the 2015 Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Global GHG emissions from agriculture reached an all-time high in 2014, with 5.25 billion tons of CO2 equivalents, representing approximately 21% of total anthropogenic emissions (FAO June 2016). Therefore, the Agriculture sector needs to find ways to reduce emissions.

ERA-NET SusAn is an ERA-NET Cofund which aims to fund research which maximizes the benefits between the three pillars of sustainability: economy, environment and society in livestock production. 
ERA-GAS  is an ERA-NET Cofund which aims to strengthen the transnational coordination of research programmes and provide added value to research and innovation on greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring and mitigation in the European Research Area.
ICT-AGRI 2 is an ERA-NET which aims to to contribute to the development of an eco-efficient, resource-efficient and competitive agriculture through an enhanced and improved use of ICT and robotics.

SusAn, ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI have identified a number of potential areas of synergy. The workshop explored one of those areas in detail: The comparison of animal production systems with respect to GHGs. Particular focus was laid on production technology and management for monogastric and ruminants e.g. housing systems, optimal field and grazing management, and on breeding, physiology, feed & nutrition.

The output of the workshop will be the basis for future joint calls and other joint activities between the three ERA-NETs.

Kontakt ATB: Dr. Christiane von Haselberg



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