Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln

Foto: ATB

May 27, 2019: ADVANCEFUEL Workshop at EUBCE 2019, Lisbon

The ADVANCEFUEL project’s third workshop 'Optimising value chains and ensuring the sustainability of advanced lignocellulosic biofuels with effective sustainability criteria and verification' will be held in the frame of the 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 

The ADVANCEFUEL partners from Utrecht University will be the main responsibles for the ADVANCEFUEL part of this event. The project will use the workshop to present relevant results and to thoroughly discuss them with the participating stakeholders during a dedicated panel discussion.

Given the establishment of the revised sustainability requirements in the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), it is important to anticipate how those sustainability requirements will be implemented and measured, Furthermore, the aspired increase of advanced biofuels in the market will require an adaptation of sustainability criteria. In this context, the role of voluntary schemes and national initiatives for demonstrating sustainability compliance is becoming even more important.

ADVANCEFUEL will also be represented during the EUBCE conference a.o. by ATB-scientist Dr. Sonja Germer. The title of her presentation is 'Innovative Lignocellulosic Cropping Systems in Europe: Combining Knowledge from Several Eu-Projects'

For more information: EUBCE 2019




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