Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln

Foto: ATB

Animal farming for a healthy world

(Source: B.Amon)

Aug 30, 2019: A holistic One Health perspective on future agricultural systems with full nutrient recycling was to be discussed at the 70th Annual Meeting of EAAP, held in Ghent from Aug 26-30, 2019. This thematic session was jointly organized by ATB scientist Barbara Amon together with partners from the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) and Free University of Berlin.

The session connected aspects of the One Health concept and sustainable livestock farming through full nutrient recycling. It was based on a discussion process among major European stakeholders on future aspects of agriculture.

ATB scientist Barbara Amon: "We suggest a One Health approach to place livestock production in a new context and expand its mission from the mere task of producing animal based products to include a comprehensive role in protecting and promoting human and animal health. Future research must therefore focus on developing new technologies, data science methods, integrative models and management methods in order to achieve an efficient recycling of nutrients and improve human and animal health. Research projects need to be accompanied continuously by an intensive stakeholder dialogue in order to secure the acceptance and implementation of the innovative methods."

At the conference, keynotes, short presentations and panel discussion spanned around these aspects.

The 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science was held in Ghent, 26th ‐ 30th August 2019. Main theme of the meeting was ‘Animal farming for a healthy world’ and dealt with topics such as resource efficiency, animal welfare, diversification, agro-ecology, climate change and product quality. The program covered various disciplines such as animal genetics, animal health and welfare, animal nutrition, animal physiology, livestock farming systems, cattle, horse, pig, sheep and goat production, precision livestock farming and insects.



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