Aktuelles und Presse

Foto: ATB

15.-19. Okt 2025 IAT Congress '25

The “Innovative Agricultural Technologies Congress – IAT 2025” congress, which will be held in Antalya – Turkiye between 15-19 October 2025, aims to reveal the potential of innovative technologies in agriculture. Two ATB members are playing an important part at this years congress. 

Sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security require the use of advanced agricultural technologies. Agricultural technologies promise to be a transformative force in the agriculture sector by offering the potential to increase sustainability and efficiency while meeting the demands of the growing global population. Innovative technologies enable agricultural systems to operate more sustainably and efficiently. IAT 2025 Congress will offer a fantastic international platform for academicians, researchers, engineers, industry participants, and students from all over the world to share their research results in the field of agricultural technologies engineering.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Sturm is part of this years Organizing Commitee and Dr. rer. habil. Manuela Zude-Sasse will be part of the Scientific Commitee of IAT 2025. 

Abstract can be submitted until May 01, 2025.

Early Bird Registration will close on June 15, 2025.

For more information and a detailed program have a look at the IAT 2025 Congress Website



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