Mr. Yogesh Kalnar , M.Tech
Abteilung: Systemverfahrenstechnik
Mitarbeit in Programmbereichen
Storage and transport management of fresh produce
Automation and sensor technology
- FoodWaStop – Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention, management, quantification and valorisation Lebensmittelverluste und -verschwendung (FLW) sind eine globale Herausforderung, die von internationalen Regierungen und Organisation…
- iBox – Model-based electronic control device for storage and transport of fresh produce under modified O2 and CO2 atmosphere Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines modellbasierten elektronischen Gaskontrollsystems/-geräts (Box) für di…
- Kalnar, Y.; Jalali, A.; Weltzien, C.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Mathematical model and electronic system for real-time O2 control in storage boxes: Development and validation under fluctuating temperatures. Biosystems Engineering. (June 2024): p. 67-79. Online:
- Guru, P.; Kumar, V.; Saha, D.; Kalnar, Y.; Nancy, M.; Singla, A. (2024): Phototactic response of angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella (olivier) to visible spectrum: Attraction analysis and modelling using machine learning. Journal of Stored Products Research. (May 2024): p. 102295. Online:
Curriculum Vitae
2023- Scientist, ATB: Institute for agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam
2016-2022 - Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research *ICAR- CIPHET, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Scientific research experience in food engineering and technology platform: Scientist, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR): 6+ years’ experience in formulation and execution of externally funded research and consultancy project.
3+ years of Teaching Experience:
Adjunct Professor, College of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, SDAU Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada, Gujarat. Duration: 21/ 08/ 2013 to 15/07/ 2014 (1 year)
Guest Lecturer, College of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, SDAU Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada, Gujarat. Duration: 07/08/ 2012 to 20/08/2013 (1 year)
Lecturer M-tech Scholar, College of Polytechnic in Agro-processing, Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh, Duration: 22/01/ 2011 to 29/05/2012 (1.4 year)
Expertise in the domain of automation and sensor technology and its application in post-harvest handling for fresh produce.
Worked with academic partners, good communication skills and experience in technical writing