Dr.-Ing. Nader Marzban
Abteilung: Systemverfahrenstechnik
Mitarbeit in Programmbereichen
- Hydrothermale Karbonisierung, Humifizierung und Fulvifizierung von Biomasse
- Modellierung und Simulation von chemischen Prozessen
- Prozessdesign, Scale-up, und und Prozessintegration
- Wasser- und Abwasserbehandlung, Adsorption
- Reinigung und Veredelung von karbonisierten Materialien
- Pyrolyse von Biomasse
- Marzban, N.; Psarianos, M.; Herrmann, C.; Schulz-Nielsen, L.; Olszewska-Widdrat, A.; Arefi, A.; Pecenka, R.; Grundmann, P.; Schlüter, O.; Hoffmann, T.; Rotter, V.; Nikoloski, Z.; Sturm, B. (2025): Smart integrated biorefineries in bioeconomy: A concept toward zero-waste, emission reduction, and self-sufficient energy production. Biofuel Research Journal. (1): p. 2319-2349. Online: https://doi.org/10.18331/BRJ2025.12.1.4
- Maleki, A.; Amini, N.; Rezaee, R.; Safari, M.; Marzban, N.; seifi, M. (2024): Fabrication of Cu@Ag core-shell/Nafion/polyalizarin: applications to simultaneous electrocatalytic oxidation and reduction of nitrite in water samples. Heliyon. (1): p. 40979. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e40979
- Mohammadi, S.; Pashaee, A.; Amini, N.; Marzban, N.; Puttaiah, S.; Tang, V.; Maleki, A. (2024): Green carbon dots derived from honey, garlic, and carrot: Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial properties. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. : p. 1-15. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13399-024-06349-9
- Santolin, C.; Hübner, K.; Schneider, R.; Alves, H.; Marzban, N.; Scheufele, F. (2024): Eco-friendly micro-mesoporous carbon from sucrose and sodium metasilicate template for ciprofloxacin adsorption: Effect of molecules self-association over diffusion mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Science. (5 February 2025): p. 120907. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2024.120907
- Sarlaki, E.; Kianmehr, M.; Marzban, N.; Shafizadeh, A.; Tajuddin, S.; Hu, S.; Tabatabaei, M.; Aghbashlo, M. (2024): Advances and challenges in humic acid production technologies from natural carbonaceous material wastes. Chemical Engineering Journal. (15 October 2024): p. 155521. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.155521
- Kohzadi, S.; Bundschuh, M.; Rezaee, R.; Marzban, N.; Vahabzadeh, Z.; Ali Johari, S.; Shahmoradi, B.; Amini, N.; Maleki, A. (2024): Integrating machine learning with experimental investigation for optimizing photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B using neodymium-doped titanium dioxide: a comprehensive approach with toxicity assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. : p. 55301-55316. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-34843-0
- Jeon, H.; Kim, D.; Scheufele, F.; Ro, K.; Libra, J.; Marzban, N.; Chen, H.; Ribeiro, C.; Jeong, C. (2024): Occurrence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Pyrochar and Hydrochar during Thermal and Hydrothermal Processes. Agronomy. (9): p. 2040. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14092040
- Psarianos, M.; Marzban, N.; Ojha, S.; Schneider, R.; Schlüter, O. (2024): Functional and bioactive properties of chitosan produced from Acheta domesticus with fermentation, enzymatic and microwave-assisted extraction. Sustainable Food Technology. : p. 1-9. Online: https://doi.org/10.1039/D4FB00263F
- Höfle, D.; Sperber, S.; Marzban, N.; Antonietti, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Wicaksono, W.; Abdelfattah, A.; Berg, G. (2024): Artificial Humic Acid Diminishes the Effect of Drought on the Soil Microbiome. Journal of sustainable agriculture and environment. (4 (October 2024)): p. 1-11. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/sae2.70034
- Ischia, G.; Berge, N.; Bae, S.; Marzban, N.; Román, S.; Farru, G.; Wilk, M.; Kulli, B.; Fiori, L. (2024): Advances in Research and Technology of Hydrothermal Carbonization: Achievements and Future Directions. Agronomy. (5): p. 955. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14050955