Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

Sept 17-20, 2019: Trainingschool on measuring and modelling gaseous emissions from livestock systems, Potsdam

The interdisciplinary training school provides hands-on training in measuring and modelling on gaseous (NH3, GHG) and aerosol emissions from animal housing and manure management systems. It will be accompanied by an intercultural training giving insights into mechanisms and opportunities of intercultural communication and collaboration.

Common measurement methods, conventional and emerging data analysis approaches as well as emission flow modelling techniques will be presented and discussed by experienced scientists from European and international institutions.

INFOS for participants on travel etc. see here.

Updated programme (Download) (as of Sept 2nd 2019)

The training school is jointly organized by ATB, LRA Infections’21 and COST Action CA16106 livAGE, and co-funded by Joachim Herz Stiftung in the funding line ‘Begegnungszonen’.

Application is closed, we apologize.

Target Group

Postgraduate students, Early Career Investigators, and PostDocs dealing with monitoring and modelling indoor climate and gaseous emissions from animal production systems, transmission of particles and gases, atmospheric modelling, etc., from a wide range of disciplines; also from relevant research fields such as animal welfare, aerosol transmission or adaptation to climate change (particularly in hot climates).


No participation fee. (Partial) reimbursement for accommodation and travelling cost.
COST action livAGE provided a grant for trainees to support their participation in the TS (the grant may or may not fully cover a trainee's cost for participation).


Sept 16, 2019: Arrival of trainees in Potsdam

June  9, 2019: Application is closed

June 14, 2019: Information on participation

May  6, 2019: Application opens (via email, cf. Cost & Appl.)  



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