Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

Oct 27-28, 2022: 3rd Japanese-German-French AI Symposium

Agriculture faces the immense challenge of meeting the rising food demand, while beeing directly impacted by the climate change, to which it is a mayor contributor. AI, and more specifically embedded AI, can pave the way to sustainable farms that engage in environmentally friendly production in a manner as efficient as mass production. At the 3rd trilateral symposium on Artificial Intelligence (AI), stakeholders from academia, industry and policy-making will discuss measures to tackle planetary challenges that humankind is facing in the Anthropocene and share their visions for realizing a sustainable society.

One session during the first day of the two-day symposium will focus on "AI in Agriculure". In this session, experts from the three countries will discuss which milestones need to be passed to leverage the potential of AI for sustainable and environmentally-friendly agriculture on a global level. They will also discuss ongoing collaboration between Japan, France, and Germany in this field and how these collaborative efforts can and should be improved in the future.

Following the 1st and 2nd trilateral symposia in 2018 and 2020, which welcomed more than 150 distinguished speakers and 1,300 participants, the 3rd symposium in Tokyo will
feature plenary and parallel sessions on various current AI topics and provide networking opportunities to further promote trilateral collaboration. Topics cover diverse application areas of Artifial Intelligence such as climate change adaption, smart cities, governance and geopolitics, disaster risk assessment, health and agriculture. The detailled program is provide at the conference page:

The 3rd Japanese-German-French AI Symposium
− AI for Planetary Challenges in the Anthropocene −

Date: 27–28 October 2022 (10:00-18:00 JST)
Venue: Miraikan (The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation) / Tokyo
Language: English

The symposium is free of charge. All sessions will be streamed live.

Register now!

Contact at ATB:  Prof. Cornelia Weltzien

The event is organized by AI Japan R&D Network, DWIH Tokyo (German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo) and the Embassy of France to Japan.


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