Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

Oct 22, 2020: Online event 'Go for Grass'

How to exploit the potential of grassland? The online meeting is held as part of the EU Green Week 2020. It introduces circular business models for grassland management and examples of circular agro-food systems.

Grassland and green shrubs cover 21% of the total surface are of the EU-28 and as such are a key element of the regions landscape and biodiversity. Today, grass as a resource remains underutilised. It is often left to decay after mowing and thus causes costs and lost benefits for individuals and society. 

The project GO-GRASS is determined to use this overlooked potential by developing circular business models based on the exploitation of grass resources, thereby contributing to nutrient recovery, reducing imports of nutrients and dependence on fossil fuels, and finding ways to provide the resulting benefits to strengthen rural communities.

As part of EU Green Week 2020, which aims to emphasise the contribution biodiversity can make to society and the economy, this two-part webinar series will explore the untapped potential of Europe's grasslands.
The morning session will demonstrate a range of innovative and cost-effective processes and technologies to transform grass into valuable bio-based products. The second session will afford stakeholders the opportunity to discuss various tools and resources that can foster the  deployment of sustainable grassland management practices and circular business models across the EU.

Join our event to share your views and explore the circular business practices that will shape tomorrow’s rural economies.

When: Oct 22, 2020 - 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. CET

Where: Online, via GoToWebinar


To register for the event please click here. Please ensure to register before 15 October 2020.

The event is powered by the EU-funded project GO-GRASS. For more information visit the GO-GRASS website at 

Kontakt ATB: Dr. Muluken E. Adamseged


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