Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

17. - 19. April, 2023 - Leibniz MMS Days 2023

The sixth Leibniz MMS Days, organized by the Leibniz Network "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation", is sheduled from April 17 to 19, 2023. The purpose of the workshop is to further develop MMS networking activities, present ongoing work using modern methods of MMS and to provide a plattform for discussion on specific and general interest.

The topics the workshop will focus on are:

  • MMS related topics at large (any MMS related topic is basically permissible),
  • Research Software, Cloud Computing, Data Infrastructures,
  • Research Data, Reproducibility, Open Science,
  • Cloud-Computing

In addition to interesting talks on all topics during the three workshop days, a poster session will take place Monday evening (April 17, 2023) and a conference dinner is planned for Tuesday evening (April 18, 2023). Furthermore, a "world café" is sheduled for the afernoon on Tuesday as an Open Space Format to offer the opportunity to discuss MMS related topics and the continuous development of the network in small groups.


Date: April 17 -19, 2023

Location: ATB, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy Potsdam

Contact ATB: Dr.-Ing. David Janke


Find more information to the Leibniz MMS Days and on how to register on the



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