Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

15. April 2021: Smart and Sustainable Food Processing of Organic fresh produce – What’s promising, what’s new?

The online workshop presents results of the transnational project SusOrgPlus. Experts from research and industry will discuss about smart and low energy input processing chains, natural food additives and colourants, and supportive material for a code of practice to increase sustainability and consumer acceptance of organic food stuffs.

15 April 2021, 3 - 5 pm (CEST)

The workshop addresses organic food producers and processors, organic fresh produce associations, on-farm processors and researchers.
On the agenda are the final results of the transnational project SusOrgPlus...  


  • Dynamics of food processing
  • Non-invasive real-time measurement
  • Resource efficiency and energy efficiency in drying
  • Reduction of losses
  • Smart adaption of processes
  • Precise specification of end product quality
  • Extend control systems starting from the product
  • Drying with CO2 neutral heat pump and control of the dryer

Agenda (Download PDF)
     Vera Tekken (ATB, Germany), the moderator, will guide through the programme. 
3.00 pm     Welcome and Introduction 
     Barbara Sturm - Scientific Coordinator SusOrgPlus and Scientific Director of ATB, Germany
3.10 pm     What do consumers want, what do producers want?
     "Field of tension: product quality" - Albert Esper, Innotech Ingenieursgesellschaft, Germany
     "From organic ingredients to organic food: a playground for innovation" - Marian Blom, Bionext, Netherlands
     "Sensory consumer acceptance of organic products with natural food additives and colourants" - Liliana Badulescu, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
3.50 pm     Smart processing
     "Smart control systems" - Barbara Sturm, ATB, Germany
     "Organic food processing, actual principles, new challenges and possible ways to go" - Ursula Kretzschmar, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland
4.20 pm     Sustainability
     "CO2 heat pump dryer" - Michael Bantle, SINTEF, Norway
     "Innovative Pre-Processing" - Oliver Schlüter, ATB, Germany
     "Functional ingredients and snacks" - Paola Pittia, University of Teramo and Roberto Moscetti, Tuscia University, Italy
4.50 pm     Code of Practice, Final conclusions, outlook
     Barbara Sturm, ATB

The workshop will be held via Zoom. Registration is free of charge. 
Please register via

Leibniz-Institut for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam
University of Kassel

Nina Schwab:
Gardis von Gersdorff:

The project SusOrgPlus aimed at the development of smart and low energy input processing chains, natural food additives and colourants, and supportive material for a code of practice to increase sustainability and consumer acceptance of organic food stuffs. The transnational project was funded via the ERA-net CORE Organic Cofund

Find more information on the project 



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