Stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von Biomasse

Foto: ATB

15.-16. Juni 2016: LiveM 2016 Conference, Potsdam

Veranstalter der LiveM 2016 Conference "Modelling Grassland-Livestock Systems under Climate Change" sind das Potsdamer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung PIK und das ATB. WissenschaftlerInnen und Modellierer der gesamten MACSUR Wissensplattform sind eingeladen, sich zu beteiligen.


Targets of the conference:  

  • Present advances in the modelling of grassland-livestock production systems in the context of future food security and sustainable production under climate change  
  • Highlight the future challenges and research priorities for livestock and grassland modelling  
  • Bring together modellers across nations and disciplines to share ideas, spread best practice and develop new collaborations as part of an integrated research community     


Please note that the deadline for abstract submission ends on February, 26, 2016.

For young scientists there are special offers. Nearly every scientist is facing the challenge of presenting their own models and outputs to all participants of the scientific as well as economic stakeholders. To form the challenges into strength, a pre-conference workshop is organized for primarily post-graduate students and early career researchers in advance - June, 14, 2016. The interactive and charge free workshop provides the opportunity to improve communicative skills according to the requirements of the scientific practice. Furthermore there are grants for yearly career researcher.        



The FACCE-JPI Knowledge Hub MACSUR brings together more than 70 institutes from 18 countries in order to improve capacity in modelling the impacts of climate change on agriculture, and how these impacts are affected by adaptation and mitigation strategies. Within MACSUR, three themes interact to develop more integrated modelling approaches; CropM (crop modelling), TradeM (economic modelling) and LiveM (livestock and grassland modelling). The LiveM theme itself represents 30 institutes and includes a diverse range of experts, from grassland and farm-scale modelling through to livestock disease and health research. 

Date:            June, 15-16, 2016 

Venue:          Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Contact ATB:  Barbara Amon  

Contact PIK:  Susanne Rolinski

Registration and more information 



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