Qualität und Sicherheit von Lebens- und Futtermitteln

Foto: ATB

24. März 2023: Webinar "Bio-efficient food processing and future agri-food systems"

The webinar "Bio-efficient food processing and future agri-food systems" by Dr. Oliver Schlüter, from Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) will take place in the frame of the "2023 Webinar Series" by the International Society of Food Engineering.

The talk of Dr. Oliver Schlüter will address complex scientific questions in the spectrum between primary production and processing of food and feed by means of innovative and interdisciplinary approaches. His research explores the design of sustainable processes that have a targeted positive effect on the food bio-systems involved. Obtained results are expected to lead to tailor-made sustainable production processes, assuring the food and feed supply for humans and animals with desired quantity, quality and safety while increasing resource and process efficiency. The potential of various concepts and technologies to replace/reduce i.e. conventional thermal techniques and to develop environmentally friendly processes will be discussed during the webinar.

Based on fundamental expreise in the main working areas: product properties and in situ sensors, dynamics of microbial communities, and thermal and non-theral processes, important research data on the respective product-process interactions has been generated. It became evident that novel technologies such as cold plasma could be implemented for versatile applications to improve the processing efficiency, safety, and quality of alternative bio-based food/feed products and contribute towards a sustainable bio-economy. Some examples will be presented through case studies.

Date: March 24, 2023, 17:00 - 18:00

Participation is free of charge.

Register here





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