M. Sc. Marius Hobart
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [4 Ergebnisse]
- Hobart, M.; Pflanz, M.; Tsoulias, N.; Weltzien, C.; Kopetzky, M.; Schirrmann, M. (2025): Fruit Detection and Yield Mass Estimation from a UAV Based RGB Dense Cloud for an Apple Orchard. Drones. (1): p. 60. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/drones9010060
- Hobart, M.; Schirrmann, M.; Abubakari, A.; Badu-Marfo, G.; Kraatz, S.; Zare, M. (2024): Drought Monitoring and Prediction in Agriculture: Employing Earth Observation Data, Climate Scenarios and Data Driven Methods; a Case Study: Mango Orchard in Tamale, Ghana. Remote Sensing. (11): p. 1942. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/16/11/1942
- Dammer, K.; Garz, A.; Hobart, M.; Schirrmann, M. (2022): Combined UAV- and tractor-based stripe rust monitoring in winter wheat under field conditions. Agronomy Journal. (1): p. 651-661. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20916
- Hobart, M.; Pflanz, M.; Weltzien, C.; Schirrmann, M. (2020): Growth height determination of tree walls for precise monitoring in apple fruit production using UAV photogrammetry. Remote Sensing. (10): p. 1-17. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/10/1656
Monografien nach Herausgeberschaft [1 Ergebnis]
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken [5 Ergebnisse]
- Hobart, M.; Giebel, A.; Schirrmann, M. (2023): Plant health assessment with thermal and multi-spectral UAV imagery in winter rye crops. In: Stafford, J.(eds.): Precision Agriculture ´23, Papers presented at the 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA 2023). Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, p. 917-924.
- Hobart, M.; Anin-Adjei, E.; Hanyabui, E.; Badu-Marfo, G.; Schiller, N.; Schirrmann, M. (2022): Photogrammetrically Assessed Smallholder Pineapple Fields in Ghana Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Sysytems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd African Conference on Precision Agriculture (AfCPA). 2nd African Conference on Precision Agriculture. African Plant Nutrition Institute, Benguérir, Morocco, p. 209-212. Online: https://paafrica.org/proceedings/?action=download&item=9439
- Hobart, M.; Schirrmann, M.; Pflanz, M. (2019): 3D point clouds from UAV imagery for precise plant protection in fruit orchards. In: Stafford(eds.): Precision agriculture ’19. 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, (978-90-8686-337-2), p. 109-114. Online: https://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/abs/10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_12
- Hobart, M.; Schirrmann, M.; Pflanz, M. (2019): Automatische Baumidentifizierung und Baumhöhenbestimmung zur Erstellung präziser Applikationskarten. In: Behmann, J.; Klingbeil, L.; Pflanz, M.(eds.): 25. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft. 25. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft. Eigenverlag, Potsdam, (ISSN 0947-7314), p. 21-28. Online: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/frontdoor/index/index/searchtype/series/id/6/rows/10/start/1/docId/15092
- Pflanz, M.; Hobart, M.; Scheer, C.; Proske, M.; Schirrmann, M. (2018): UVA generierte 3D Punktewolken für ein präzisen Pflanzenschutz im Obstbau. In: Kraft, M.; Pflanz, M.; Schirrmann, M.(eds.): 24.Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft. 24. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft. Eigenverlag, Potsdam-Bornim, (ISSN 0947-7314), p. 107-114. Online: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/frontdoor/index/index/searchtype/series/id/6/rows/10/start/4/docId/13389
Vorträge und Poster [14 Ergebnisse]
- Ben Hamouda, A.; Boussadia, O.; Ellssel, P.; Hobart, M.; Saussure, S. (2024): The impact of soil management, agroecological zone, and season on ground-dwelling insects in Tunisian olive groves.
- Boussadia, O.; Zgallai, H.; Ben Hamouda, A.; Hobart, M.; Ellssel, P.; Saussure, S. (2024): No-tillage and cover crop practices for the agroecological transition of rainfed Tunisian olive groves.
- Hobart, M.; Boussadia, O.; Ellssel, P.; Ben Hamouda, A.; Schwarze, M.; Schirrmann, M. (2024): Target oriented spectral index distribution parameters for estimating leaf chlorophyll content from 3D RGB point clouds in an olive orchard in Tunisia.
- Zare, M.; Hobart, M.; Boussadia, O.; Ben-Hamouda, A.; Chaieb, N.; Ellßel, P.; Schirrmann, M. (2023): Drought monitoring/prediction using remotely-sensed data and SSP climate change scenarios in a Tunisian olive orchard.
- Hobart, M.; Giebel, A.; Schirrmann, M. (2023): Plant health assessment with thermal and multi-spectral UAV imagery in winter rye crops.
- Zare, M.; Hobart, M.; Abubakari, A.; Issahaku, G.; Anin-Adjei, E.; Badu-Marfo, G.; Schirrmann, M. (2023): Drought monitoring and prediction for mango orchard in Tamale, Ghana with earth observation data and SSP climate scenarios.
- Ben Hamouda, A.; Boussadia, O.; Saussure, S.; Ellssel, P.; Schirrmann, M.; Hobart, M.; Young, G. (2022): Integrating agro-ecological practices and smart farming to improve agricultural production and insect pest control.
- Hobart, M.; Adjei, E.; Hanyabui, E.; Badu-Marfo, G.; Schiller, N.; Schirrmann, M. (2022): Photogrammetrically assessed smallholder pineapple fields in Ghana using small unmanned aircraft systems.
- Hobart, M.; Ellßel, P. (2022): Convergence and Divergence of Smart and Precision Farming Technologies, Agroecological Principles and Smallholder Agriculture.
- Pflanz, M.; Schirrmann, M.; Hobart, M. (2020): Flugroboter gestützte Baumhöhenbestimmung zur Erstellung von Applikationskarten im Obstbau.