Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Barbara Sturm
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [33 Ergebnisse]
- Chikpah, S.; Korese, J.; Sturm, B.; Hensel, O. (2025): Evaluation of nutrients, antioxidants and sensory characteristics of optimized wheat-orange-fleshed sweet potato and pumpkin composite bread and storage stability in three packaging materials. Discover Food. (Volume 5, article number 36): p. 0. Online:
- Hoffmann, T.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2025): Influence of air flow rate on the cooling characteristics of a single and batch apple fruits. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. (March 2025): p. 103257. Online:
- Schemminger, J.; Raut, S.; Sturm, B.; Defraeye, T. (2024): A hybrid digital shadow to assess biological variability in carrot slices during drying. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. (May 2024): p. 1-21. Online:
- Shamshiri, R.; Sturm, B.; Weltzien, C.; Fulton, J.; Khosla, R.; Schirrmann, M.; Raut, S.; Hanike Basavegowda, D.; Yamin, M.; Hameed, I. (2024): Digitalization of agriculture for sustainable crop production: a use-case review. Frontiers in Environmental Science. : p. 1-32. Online:
- Babor, M.; Liu, S.; Arefi, A.; Olszewska-Widdrat, A.; Sturm, B.; Venus, J.; Höhne, M. (2024): Domain-Invariant Monitoring for Lactic Acid Production: Transfer Learning from Glucose to Bio-Waste Using Machine Learning Interpretation. Bioresource Technology. : p. 1-23. Online: Preprint:
- Hoffmann, T.; Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Sonawane, A.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Heat transfer in large bins during the apples cool-down process. International Journal of Refrigeration. (February 2025): p. 60-69. Online:
- Arefi, A.; Sturm, B.; Babor, M.; Horf, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Höhne, M.; Friedrich, K.; Schroedter, L.; Venus, J.; Olszewska-Widdrat, A. (2024): Digital model of biochemical reactions in lactic acid bacterial fermentation of simple glucose and biowaste substrates. Heliyon. (19): p. 38791. Online:
- Arefi, A.; Sturm, B.; Hoffmann, T. (2024): Explainability of deep convolutional neural networks when it comes to NIR spectral data: a case study of starch content estimation in potato tubers. Food Control. (March 2025): p. 110979. Online:
- Marzban, N.; Libra, J.; Ro, K.; Moloeznik Paniagua, D.; Rotter, V.; Sturm, B.; Filonenko, S. (2024): Hydrochar stability: understanding the role of moisture, time and temperature in its physiochemical changes. Biochar. : p. 38. Online:
- Hoffmann, T.; Mahajan, P.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M.; Sturm, B.; Linke, M. (2023): Small Peltier element to detect real-time heat flux between apple and environment during postharvest storage. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (October 2023): p. 108247. Online:
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken [12 Ergebnisse]
- Liu, S.; Babor, M.; Munyendo, L.; Hitzmann, B.; Sturm, B.; Höhne, M. (2024): Advancements in coffee authenticity: A spectroscopic feature compression approach using eXplainable AI and vision transformer. In: Katsoulas, N.(eds.): AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Athens, Greece, (978-618-82194-1-0), p. 436-442. Online:
- Höfle, D.; Sperber, S.; Marzban, N.; Sturm, B.; Hoffmann, T.; Antonietti, M.; Berg, G.; Abdelfattah, A. (2024): Using artificial humic acid to encounter the effects of climate change induced droughts on soil microbiome. In: 10th Theodor Escherich Symposium - Abstract Book. 10th Theodor Escherich Symposium on Microbiome Research. Med Uni Graz, Graz, p. 35-36. Online:
- Aradwad, P.; Tayyab, M.; Raut, S.; Abdelfattah, A.; Rauh, C.; Sturm, B. (2024): Effect of Storage Conditions on Brewers Spent Grain: Implications on Quality, Safety and Food Application. In: EFFoST2024 Abstract Book - Posters. 38th EFFoST International Conference 2024. p. 190-190. Online:
- Arefi, A.; Hoffmann, T.; Sturm, B. (2024): Prediction of starch content in potato varieties using NIR-based deep neural networks. In: AgEng 2024 Abstract Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. p. 312-312. Online:
- Schemminger, J.; Raut, S.; Sturm, B.; Defraeye, T. (2024): Multivariable and multiobjective optimization of convective drying for carrot slices. In: AgEng 2024 Abstract Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. p. 110-110. Online:
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Neuwald, D.; Büchele, F.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Barkov, V.; Atzmueller, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Integrating digital twin technology for sustainable management of fresh produce in postharvest facilities. In: 11th edition of the German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development - Towards a Resilient and Safe Future. 11th German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development. p. 54-54. Online:
- Tayyab, M.; Sturm, B.; Delele, M.; Arefi, A. (2024): 3D cloud point monitoring of purple carrots and golden kiwis during drying. In: IX International Postharvest Symposium - Poster Abstracts. IX ISHS International Postharvest Symposium. p. 62-62. Online:
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Integrating digital twin technology for sustainable postharvest management of fresh produce. In: Book of Abstract. 4th International Joint Symposium on Agriculture and Food Security. p. 44-44.
- Tayyab, M.; Sturm, B.; Raut, S.; Faheem, M.; Mubashar, M.; Waqar Akram, M. (2023): Energy conservation through energy-exergy based thermal analysis and annual available of solar continuous roasting system. In: VII International Symposium Applications of Modelling as an InnovativeTechnology in the Horticultural Supply Chain - Model It 2023. Model-It 2023 - VII International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. p. 11-11. Online:
- Arefi, A.; Raut, S.; Nurkhoeriyati, T.; Ndisya, J.; Hensel, O.; Sturm, B. (2023): Is multispectral imaging a potential alternative to hyperspectral imaging to monitor the drying process of foodstuff?. In: Musielak, G.; Lechtanska, J.; Mierzwa, D.; Jaskulski, M.(eds.): Book of Abstracts - 8th European Drying Conference - EuroDrying 2023. 8th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying 2023). Lodz University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Lodz, Poznan (Polen), p. 22-22. Online:
Vorträge und Poster [57 Ergebnisse]
- Hoffmann, T.; Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sonawane, A.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Linke, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2025): Heat transfer dynamics during loading in industrial-scale controlled atmosphere storage of apples.
- Aradwad, P.; Raut, S.; Abdelfattah, A.; Rauh, C.; Sturm, B. (2024): Effect of Storage Conditions on Brewers Spent Grain: Implications on Quality, Safety and Food Application.
- Tayyab, M.; Sturm, B.; Delele, M.; Arefi, A. (2024): 3D cloud point monitoring of purple carrots and golden kiwis during drying process.
- Sturm, B. (2024): Embracing Transformation to Biobased Systems: Harnessing Innovation for a Sustainable Future.
- Hoffmann, T.; Sonawane, A.; Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Integrating Digital Twin Technology for Sustainable Postharvest Management of Fresh Produce.
- Arefi, A.; Hoffmann, T.; Sturm, B. (2024): Prediction of starch content in potato varieties using NIR-based deep neural networks.
- Sturm, B. (2024): Embracing transformation to bio-based systems: Harnessing innovation for a sustainable future.
- Payerl, J.; Sturm, B.; Graef, H.; Adolph, J.; Nasirahmadi, A.; Hensel, O. (2024): Status of implementation of smart livestock farming tools on German pig farms.
- Graef, H.; Sturm, B.; Payerl, J.; Kulig, B.; Adolph, J.; Nasirahmadi, A.; Hensel, O. (2024): A holistic data insight into pig husbandry: Practical perspectives on smart livestock farming.
- Schemminger, J.; Sturm, B. (2024): Multivariable and multiobjective optimization of convective drying for carrot slices.
Sonstige Artikel [2 Ergebnisse]
- Parmar, A.; Raut, S.; Shee, A.; Sturm, B. (2023): Measuring food loss and waste - instruments, challenges and global perspectives. RURAL 21. The international journal for rural development. p. 10-11. Online:
- Raut, S.; Kirchhofer, P.; Hensel, O.; Sturm, B. (2023): Verbesserung der Ernähungssituation in Westafrika. Das Projekt UPGRADE Plus. Ernährung im Fokus - BLE. p. 67-70. Online: