Prof. UZ Dr. Barbara Amon
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [78 Ergebnisse]
- Bonizzi, S.; Colombini, S.; Pavesi, M.; Zucali, M.; Failla, O.; Dragoni, F.; Amon, B.; Ragaglini, G.; Sadrucci, A. (2025): Can tree leaves be an alternative source of feed for dairy ruminants?. Agroforestry Systems. (article number 47): p. 0. Online:
- Hafner, S.; Pedersen, J.; Fuß, R.; Nørlem Kamp, J.; Frederik Rask, D.; Amon, B.; Pacholski, A.; Adamsen, A.; Sommer, S. (2025): Improved tools for estimation of ammonia emission from field-applied animal slurry: refinement of the ALFAM2 model and database. Atmospheric Environment. (January): p. 120910. Online:
- Ouatahar, L.; Amon, B.; Bannink, A.; Amon, T.; Zentek, J.; Deng, J.; Janke, D.; Hempel, S.; Beukes, P.; Van der Weerden, T.; Krol, D.; Lanigan, G. (2025): production systems: Comparing dynamic process-based greenhouse gas emissions factors with IPCC Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches in confinement and pasture-based systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. (486): p. 144479. Online:
- Amon, B.; Bannink, A.; Amon, T.; Zentek, J.; Deng, J.; Janke, D.; Hempel, S.; Beukes, P.; van der Weerden, T.; Krol, D.; Lanigan, G. (2024): An integral assessment of carbon and nitrogen emissions in dairy cattle production systems: Comparing dynamic process-based greenhouse gas emissions factors with IPCC Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches in confinement and pasture-based systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. (1 January 2024): p. 144479. Online:
- Hutchings, N.; Petersen, S.; Richards, K.; Pacholski, A.; Fuß, R.; Abalos, D.; Forrestal, P.; Pelster, D.; Eckard, R.; Alfaro, M.; Smith, K.; Thomann, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Chirinda, N.; Bittman, S.; de Klein, C.; Hyde, B.; Amon, B.; van der Weerden, T.; del Prado, A.; Krol, D. (2024): Preconditions for including the effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors in emission inventories. Global Change Biology. (12): p. 0. Online:
- Fratczak-Muller, J.; Rychla, A.; Winiwarter, W.; Amon, B. (2024): Social conditions of smallholder dairy farmers influence their environmental decisions. Scientific Reports. : p. 31020. Online:
- Méite, R.; Bayer, L.; Martin, M.; Amon, B.; Uthes, S. (2024): Modeling the environmental impacts of Asparagopsis as feed, a cow toilet and slurry acidification in two synthetic dairy farms. Heliyon. (9): p. 29389. Online:
- Dr. O. Petersen, S.; Ma, C.; Hilgert, J.; Mjöfors, K.; Sefeedpari, P.; Amon, B.; Aarnink, A.; Franko, B.; Dragoni, F.; Groenestein, K.; Gyldenkrne, S.; Herrmann, C.; Hutchings, N.; Kristensen, I.; Liu, J.; Olesen, J.; Rodhe, L. (2024): In-vitro method and model to estimate methane emissions from liquid manure management on pig and dairy farms in four countries. Journal of Environmental Management. (Februar): p. 120233. Online:
- Ouatahar, L.; Bannink, A.; Zentek, J.; Amon, T.; Deng, J.; Hempel, S.; Janke, D.; Beukes, P.; Van der Weerden, T.; Krol, D.; Lanigan, G.; Amon, B. (2024): An integral assessment of the impact of diet and manure management on whole-farm greenhouse gas and nitrogen emissions in dairy cattle production systems using process-based models. Waste Management. (October): p. 79-90. Online:
- Petersen, S.; Ma, C.; Hilgert, J.; Mjöfors, K.; Sefeedpari, P.; Amon, B.; Aarnink, A.; Franko, B.; Dragoni, F.; Groenestein, K.; Gyldenkrne, S.; Herrmann, C.; Hutchings, N.; Kristensen, S.; Liu, J.; Olesen, J.; Rodhe, L. (2024): In-vitro method and model to estimate methane emissions from liquid manure management on pig and dairy farms in four countries. Journal of Environmental Management. (Februar): p. 120233. Online:
Monografien nach Autorenschaft [12 Ergebnisse]
- Amon, B. (2024): Developing circular agricultural production systems. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK, (ISBN-13: 9781801462563), 480 S. Online:
- Hutchings, N.; Mikkelsen, M.; Dore, C.; German, R.; Mitchell, J.; Thornton, A.; Sanchez, B.; Amon, B.; Mellios, G.; Juhrich, K.; Ntziachristos, L.; Broomfield, M.; Stewart, R.; Kuenen, J.; Webb, J. (2023): EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023. Technical guidance to prepare national emission inventories. European Environment Agency, Kopenhagen, (ISSN 1977-8449; ISBN 978-92-9480-598-0), 28 S. Online: doi: 10.2800/795737
- FAO, u.; Amon, B. (2018): Nutrient flows and associated environmental impacts in livestock supply chains: Guidelines for assessment (Version 1). FAO, Rom, (978-92-5-130901-8), 196 S. Online:
- Amon, B. (2018): Nitrogen losses from Austrian agricultural soils - modelling to explore trade off-effects (NitroAustria) (publizierbarer Endbericht). 38 S. Online:
- Amon, B. (2016): EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook - 2016. United Nations Economic and Social Council, Geneva, 28 S. Online:
- Amon, B.; Zechmeister-Boltenstrern, S.; Kasper, M.; Foldal, C.; Schwarzl, B.; Anderl, M.; Zethner, G.; Kitzler, B.; Kiese, R.; Haas, E. (2015): Publizierbare Zusammenfassung "Nitrogen losses from Austrian agricultural soils - modelling to explore trade off-effects (NitroAustria). Wien, 3 S. Online:
- Amon, B. (2015): Draft revised United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Framework Code for Good Agricultural Practice for Reducing Ammonia Emissions. United Nations Economic and Social Council, Wien, 27 S. Online:
- Amon, B.; Winiwarter, W.; Schröck, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Kasper, M.; Sigmund, E.; Schaller, L.; Moser, T.; Baumgarten, A.; Dersch, G.; Zethner, G.; Anderl, M.; Kitzler, B. (2014): Publizierbare Zusammenfassung "Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Farm clim)". Wien, Österreich, 18 S.
- Amon, B.; Winiwarter, W.; Schröck, A.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Kasper, M.; Sigmund, E.; Schaller, L.; Moser, T.; Baumgarten, A.; Dersch, G.; Zethner, G.; Anderl, M.; Kitzler, B. (2014): Endbericht "Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (FarmClim)". Wien, Österreich, 40 S.
- APCC 2014 (Autorenkollektiv); Amon, B. (2014): Österreichischer Sachstandbericht Klimawandel 2014 - Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungstragende und Synthese. Kapitel 2: Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Wasser, Ökosysteme und Biodiversität. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, (978-3-7001-7701-2), 131 S. Online:
Monografien nach Herausgeberschaft [1 Ergebnis]
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken [55 Ergebnisse]
- Sayeed, M.; Janke, D.; Amon, T.; Amon, B.; Opalinski, S.; Frontczak, J.; Hempel, S. (2024): Advancing dairy farm management: leveraging data, neural networks, and interactive web design. In: AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Athen, p. 103-107.
- Wannasek, L.; Tyris, D.; Höckner, J.; May, D.; Ammon, C.; Amon, B.; Marchand, O.; Manolakos, D.; Amon, T. (2024): Compact Bio-CNG farm filling fuel production from anaerobic digestion: Hollow fibre permeation and hybrid compression for technically and economically feasible small scale biofuel production. In: AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Athen, p. 1088-1094.
- Herrmann, C.; Hilgert, J.; Theuerl, S.; Amon, B. (2023): Biogas aus Gülle - Gaserträge in Abhängigkeit von Wirtschaftsdüngermanagement und -lagerung. In: KTBL(eds.): KTBL-Schrift Biogas in der Landwirtschaft - Stand und Perspektiven Typ: Tagungsbeitrag. 8. FNR/KTBL-Kongress Biogas in der Landwirtschaft - Stand und Perspektiven. Druck- und Verlagshaus Zarbock GmbH & Co.KG, Frankfurt am Main, (ISBN: 978-3-945088-99-9), p. 65-72.
- Amon, B.; van Zanten, H.; Snaz-Cobena, A.; Marques-dos-Santos, C.; Corrado, S.; Caldeira, C.; Leip, A.; Hutchings, N. (2023): Chapter 4.The scope to improve nitrogen use efficiency of European food systems. In: Leip, A.; Wollgast, J.; Kugelberg, S.; Costa Leite, J.; Maas, R.; Mason, K.; Sutton(eds.): Appetite for Change Food system options for nitrogen, environment & health. . UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), Edinburgh, UK, (ISBN: 978-1-906698-83-6), p. 50-59. Online:
- Amon, B.; Jensen, L.; Groenestein, K.; Sutton, M. (2023): Sustainable nitrogen management for housed livestock, manure storage and manure processing. In: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production. . Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, (ISBN 9781003048213), p. 46-46. Online:
- Yi, Q.; Janke, D.; Thormann, L.; Hempel, S.; Amon, B.; Amon, T. (2022): Wind tunnel measurements of airflows and gas concentrations downwind a naturally-ventilated pig building model. In: Institute of Thermomechanics Czech Ac. of Sciences(eds.): International Workshop on Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena 2022. PHYSMOD 2022. Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prag, (ISBN: 78-80-87012-81-9), p. 259-263.
- Zhao, Y.; Sark, V.; Ulbricht, M.; Janke, D.; Hempel, S.; Hoffmann, G.; Amon, T.; Amon, B.; Krstic, M.; Grass, E. (2022): Cattle Urination Behaviour Remote Monitoring using mmWave FMCW RADAR. In: Thomas Scheffler & Christoph Lange (Hrsg.)(eds.): 19. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze. 19. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze. Fachbereich Energie und Information Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin), Berlin, p. 47-50. Online: doi:10.34702/mncp-qb18
- Yi, Q.; Janke, D.; Wang, X.; Amon, B.; Amon, T. (2022): Effects of roof design on near ground gaseous emissions from a naturally-ventilated pig barn. In: VDI Wissensforum GmbH(eds.): Tagungsband AgEng Landtechnik 2022. AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022. VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, (0083-5560/978-3-18092406-9), p. 595-600.
- Ouatahar, L.; Lanigan, G.; Bannink, A.; Amon, T.; Amon, B. (2022): Process-based modeling approaches for integral assessment of the impact of feeding management on greenhouse gas an nitrogen emissions in dairy production systems. In: VDI Wissensforum GmbH(eds.): Tagungsband AgEng Landtechnik 2022. AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022. VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, (0083-5560/978-3-18092406-9), p. 323-326.
- Hilgert, J.; Amon, T.; Amon, B.; Belik, V.; Dragoni, F.; Ammon, C.; Cárdenas, A.; Herrmann, C.; Petersen (2022): Influence of the temperature of storage on biogas production from dairy cows and fattening pigs´liquid manure. In: VDI Wissensforum GmbH(eds.): Tagungsband AgEng Landtechnik 2022. AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022. VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, (0083-5560/978-3-18092406-9), p. 317-322.
Vorträge und Poster [194 Ergebnisse]
- Amon, B. (2025): The role of livestock in circular bioeconomy systems.
- Amon, B. (2024): A holistic One Health perspective on future agricultural?systems with full nutrient recycling supported by digital technologies.
- McAllister, T.; Amon, B.; Becquet, P. (2024): Assessment of the role of livestock in a circular bioeconomy.
- Amon, B. (2024): ATB Research on Sustainable Livestock Production.
- Amon, B. (2024): The role of livestock in sustainable circular bioeconomy systems: the MilKey and DairyMix projects.
- Amon, B. (2024): The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
- Amon, B.; McAllister, T.; Becquet, P. (2024): The role of livestock in circular bioeconomy systems.
- Becquet, P.; McAllister, T.; Amon, B. (2024): Role of livestock in circular bioeconomy systems (FAO Report).
- Wannasek, L.; Tyris, D.; Hoeckner, J.; May, D.; Ammon, C.; Amon, B.; Marchand, O.; Manolakos, D.; Amon, T. (2024): Compact Bio-CNG farm filling fuel production from anaerobic digestion: Hollow fibre permeation and hybrid compression for technically and economically feasible small scale biofuel production.
- Diaz de Otálora Aguirre, X.; Wilfart, A.; Fratczak-Müller, J.; Balaine, L.; Ragaglini, G.; Dragoni, F.; Amon, B. (2024): Towards future sustainable dairy farming systems: An integrated, adapted and circular approach.
Sonstige Artikel [2 Ergebnisse]
- Amon, B. (2013): Dem Gas soll der Hahn abgedreht werden; FarmClim-Projekt erforscht CO2-Emissionen aus Böden. Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt. p. 20.
- Amon, B.; Winiwarter, W. (2012): FarmClim: Verbesserung der Klimaeffizienz landwirtschaftlicher Verfahren durch bessere Nutzung von Stickstoffverbindungen und Minderung der Treibhausgasemissionen. BOKU-Magazin. p. 59.