Dr. Custodio Efraim Matavel
Abteilung: Technikbewertung
Mitarbeit in Forschungsprogrammen
- Matavel, C.; Hoffmann, H.; Kaechele, H.; Löhr, K.; Bonatti, M.; Kipkulei, H.; Njoya, H.; Massuque, J.; Sieber, S.; ybak, C. (2024): Does participatory research stimulate sustained adoption of energy technologies? Lessons from stove dissemination in Gurué district, rural Mozambique. Technology in Society. (December): p. 102722. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102722
- Bonatti, M.; Lana, M.; Medina, L.; Chevelev, P.; Baldvieso, C.; Errismann, C.; Gleich, P.; Rodrigues, T.; Eufemia, L.; da Silva Rosa, T.; Borba, J.; Matavel, C.; Schlindwein, S.; Ison, R.; Eisenack, K.; Hellin, J.; Pacillo, G.; Vadez, V.; Bossuet, J.; Dolinska, A.; Sieber, S. (2024): Global analysis of social learning’s archetypes in natural resource management: understanding pathways of co-creation of knowledge. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. : p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03590-5
- Kipkulei, H.; Bellingrath-Kimura, S.; Lana, M.; Ghazaryan, G.; Baatz, R.; Matavel, C.; Boitt, M.; Chisanga, C.; Rotich, B.; Moreira, R.; Sieber, S. (2024): Agronomic management response in maize (Zea mays L.) production across three agroecological zones of Kenya. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. (1): p. 20478. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20478
- Kipkulei, H.; Bellingrath-Kimura, S.; Lana, M.; Ghazaryan, G.; Baatz, R.; Matavel, C.; Boitt, M.; Chisanga, C.; Rotich, B.; Moreira, R.; Sieber, S. (2024): Maize yield prediction and condition monitoring at the sub-county scale in Kenya: synthesis of remote sensing information and crop modeling. Scientific Reports. : p. 14227. Online: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-62623-w
- Matavel, C.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Piepho, H. (2024): Model-averaging as an accurate approach for ex-post economic optimum nitrogen rate estimation. Precision Agriculture. (June): p. 1324-1339. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-024-10113-4
- Fischer, A.; Shah, M.; Segnon, A.; Matavel, C.; Antwi-Agyei, P.; Shang, Y.; Muir, M.; Kaufmann, R. (2023): Human adaptation to climate change in the context of forests: a systematic review. Climate Risk Management. : p. 100573. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2023.100573