Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften
- Mehmood, T.; Janke, D.; Gaurav, G.; Sardar, M. (2025): Coastal guardian: mangroves in Pakistan at risk from microplastic threats jeopardizing their crucial role in global CO2 dynamics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. : p. 1-9. Online: 1.0
- Kirsch, K.; Strutzke, S.; Klitzing, L.; Pilger, F.; Thöne-Reineke, C.; Hoffmann, G. (2025): Equine daily activity recognition with collar worn inertial sensors and deep learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (231): p. 0. Online: 1.0
- Ouatahar, L.; Amon, B.; Bannink, A.; Amon, T.; Zentek, J.; Deng, J.; Janke, D.; Hempel, S.; Beukes, P.; Van der Weerden, T.; Krol, D.; Lanigan, G. (2025): production systems: Comparing dynamic process-based greenhouse gas emissions factors with IPCC Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches in confinement and pasture-based systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. (486): p. 144479. Online: 1.0
- Hafner, S.; Pedersen, J.; Fuß, R.; Nørlem Kamp, J.; Frederik Rask, D.; Amon, B.; Pacholski, A.; Adamsen, A.; Sommer, S. (2025): Improved tools for estimation of ammonia emission from field-applied animal slurry: refinement of the ALFAM2 model and database. Atmospheric Environment. (January): p. 120910. Online: 1.0
- Pinto, S.; Sergeeva, A.; Ammon, C.; Belik, V.; Amon, T.; Hoffmann, G. (2024): Effect of evaporative cooling on heat stress mitigation and activity behavior in high-yielding dairy cows. Agricultural Engineering. (79): p. 0. Online: 1.0
- Amon, B.; Bannink, A.; Amon, T.; Zentek, J.; Deng, J.; Janke, D.; Hempel, S.; Beukes, P.; van der Weerden, T.; Krol, D.; Lanigan, G. (2024): An integral assessment of carbon and nitrogen emissions in dairy cattle production systems: Comparing dynamic process-based greenhouse gas emissions factors with IPCC Tier 1 and Tier 2 approaches in confinement and pasture-based systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. (1 January 2024): p. 144479. Online: 1.0
- Balaine, L.; Buckley, C.; Baillet, V.; Diaz de Otálora Aguirre, X.; Dragoni, F.; Wilfart, A.; Amon, B.; Del Prado, A.; Fratczak-Müller, J.; Krol, D. (2024): Influence of methodological choices in farm sustainability performance: A word of caution from a case study analysis of European dairy farms. Environmental Science & Policy. (June): p. 103745. Online: 1.0
- Jaleta, M.; Junker, V.; Kolte, B.; Börger, M.; Werner, D.; Dolsdorf, C.; Schwenker, J.; Hölzel, C.; Zentek, J.; Amon, T.; Nübel, U.; Kabelitz, T. (2024): Improvements of weaned pigs barn hygiene to reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology. (15): p. 0. Online: 1.0
- Das, G.; Brameld, J.; Parr, T.; Seyedalmoosavi, S.; Görs, S.; Metges, C. (2024): Effects of feeding earthworm or vermicompost on early life performance of broilers under challenging dietary conditions. Poultry Science. (12): p. 104341. Online: 1.0
- Cantillon, M.; Hennessy, T.; Amon, B.; Dragoni, F.; OBrien, D. (2024): Mitigation of gaseous emissions from dairy livestock: A farm-level method to examine the financial implications. Journal of Environmental Management. (14 February 2024): p. 119904. Online: 1.0
Monografien nach Autorenschaft
- Benz, B.; Bernhardt, H.; Brunsch, R.; Büscher, W.; Dammann, M.; Käck, M.; Schick, M. (2023): VDI-Roadmap Agriculture Technology 2030 - Strategische Forschungsagenda, Teil 2: Technik für eine zukunftsfähige Tierhaltung. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V., Düsseldorf, (ISBN 978-3-949971-63-1, E-ISBN 978-3-949971-64-8), 48 S. Online: 1.0
- Doumbia, E. (2023): Determination of air exchange rate of naturally ventilated barns based on numerical simulations results. Hochschulbibliothekk TU Berlin, 85 S. 1.0
- Thomas, C. (2023): Manure management measures to reduce the risk of spreading ESBL-/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli from chicken manure into the food chain. FU Berlin, Berlin, 117 S. Online: 1.0
- Janke, D. (2021): Estimating ventilation rates and emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy barn - three-column approach. Repository TU Berlin, Berlin, 97 S. Online: 1.0
- Wolf, P. (2021): Cows back to pasture - Unlock climate change mitigation potentials in dairy farming at increasing milk production. Repository HU Berlin, Berlin, 212 S. Online: 1.0
- Drastig, K.; Qualitz, G.; Vellenga, L.; Singh, R.; Boulay, A.; Wiedemann, S.; Prochnow, A.; Chapagain, A.; De Camillis, C.; Opio, C.; Mottet, A. (2021): Accounting for livestock water productivity How and why? Land and Water Discussio Paper 14. FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, (ISSN 1729-0554 / ISBN 978-92-5-132134-8), 58 S. Online: 1.0
- AlHomoch, F. (2021): Influence of different technical elements and settings in automatic milking systems on the quality of dairy cows milk. Repository HU Berlin, Berlin, 82 S. Online: 1.0
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken
- Wannasek, L.; Tyris, D.; Höckner, J.; May, D.; Ammon, C.; Amon, B.; Marchand, O.; Manolakos, D.; Amon, T. (2024): Compact Bio-CNG farm filling fuel production from anaerobic digestion: Hollow fibre permeation and hybrid compression for technically and economically feasible small scale biofuel production. In: AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Athen, p. 1088-1094. 1.0
- Sayeed, M.; Janke, D.; Amon, T.; Amon, B.; Opalinski, S.; Frontczak, J.; Hempel, S. (2024): Advancing dairy farm management: leveraging data, neural networks, and interactive web design. In: AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Athen, p. 103-107. 1.0
- Maritan, E.; Hoffmann, G.; Schwierz, F.; Rutter, S.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Lowenbger-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K. (2024): An economic analysis of bolus-sensor technology for precision dairy cattle management. In: AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Athen, p. 174-182. 1.0
- Tyris, D.; Amon, T.; Wannasek, L.; Ammon, C.; Benni, S.; Tinti, F.; Maselyne, J.; Everaert, M.; Tegenaw, P.; Lecompte, S.; Marchand, O.; Bartzanas; Manolakos, D. (2024): RES4LIVE - Progress on pilot systems for energy smart livestock farming towards zero fossil fuel consumption. In: AgEng 2024 Proceedings Book. AgEng 2024 International Conference of EurAgEng. Athen, p. 814-823. 1.0
- Eichler, F.; Klitzing, L.; Brüsewitz, I.; Thöne-Reineke, C.; Hoffmann, G.; Kirsch, K. (2024): Sensorbasierte Auswertung von Bewegungsverhalten bei Pferden auf der Weide. In: KTBL (2024): Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung. 56. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie. Darmstadt, p. 231-234. 1.0
- Fromm, K.; Ammon, C.; Amon, T.; Hoffmann, G. (2024): Recording of movement activity and lying time in fattening cattle husbandry using UHR RGID. In: KTBL (2024): Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung. 56. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie. Darmstadt, p. 235-237. 1.0
- Sejian, V.; Silpa, M.; Devaraj, C.; Ramachanndran, N.; Thirunavukkarasu, D.; Shashank, C.; Madhusoodan, A.; Suganthi, R.; Mylostyvyi, R.; Hoffmann, G.; Caetano Simoes, J.; Bhatta, R. (2024): The Welfare of Goats in Adverse Environments. In: The Welfare of Goats. . Springer Nature, (978-3-031-62181-9), p. 273-294. Online: 1.0
- Hoffmann, G.; Heinicke, J.; Swalve, H.; Amon, T. (2023): Individuelle Erfassung von Hitzestress bei Milchkühen. In: 9. Rinder-Workshop. Neue Herausforderungen für die Rinderzucht und -haltung. 9. Rinder-Workshop. DGFZ, Bad Bevensen, (0949-8842), p. 133-140. 1.0
- Gravemeier, L.; Dittmer, A.; Jakob, M.; Kümper, D.; Thomas, O. (2023): Conceptualizing a holistic smart dairy farming system. In: Hoffmann, C.; Stein, A.; Ruckelshausen, A.; Müller, H.; Steckel, T.; Floto, H.(eds.): Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme. Referate der 43. GIL-Jahrestagung. 43. GIL-Jahrestagung - Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, (1617-5468/ 978-3-88579-724-1), p. 77-88. Online: 1.0
- Pinto, S.; Ammon, C.; Estellés, F.; Villagra, A.; Amon, T.; Hoffmann, G. (2023): Heat stress relief of dairy cows by evaporative cooling under Mediterranean summer conditions. In: Pinto, S.(eds.): Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. EAAP + WAAP + Interbull Congress 2023 Joint International Congress on Animal Science. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Lyon, p. 774-0. Online: 1.0
Vorträge und Poster
- Atanasova, A.; Amon, T.; Friese, A.; Rösler, U.; Merle, R.; Herrmann, C.; Kraus, A.; Kabelitz, T. (2025): Impact of Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratio and Temperature on the Survival of Antibiotic-Resistant and Non-Resistant Escherichia coli and the Abundance of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Chicken Manure and during its Anaerobic Digestion. 1.0
- (2025): Dynamics of antimicrobial resistance genes in weaned pigs: individual variation and temporal dynamics. 1.0
- Hoffmann, G.; Heinicke, J.; Swalve, H.; Amon, T. (2024): Projekt DigiMuh: Hitzestress bei Milchkühen erkennen. 1.0
- Hoffmann, G.; Thomas, C.; Amon, T. (2024): Rumen temperature of dairy cows under heat stress. 1.0
- Waurich, B.; Rosner, F.; Oelschlägel, D.; Hoffmann, G.; Swalve, H. (2024): Züchterische Analysen im Projekt DigiMuh. 1.0
- Hoffmann, G.; Heinicke, J.; Thomas, C.; Wille, S.; Amon, T. (2024): Health and welfare monitoring of dairy cows through an integrated data platfoem focusing on heat stress. 1.0
- Kabelitz, T.; Atanasova, A.; Thomas, C.; Amon, T. (2024): Evaluation of treatments to reduce antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria in chicken manure. 1.0
- Kabelitz, T.; Kashongwe, O. (2024): Individualisierte Mastitis-Risikoeinschätzung in der Milchviehhaltung durch Sensoren, Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz - MEDICow. 1.0
- Kabelitz, T. (2024): Individualisierte Mastitis-Früherkennung durch Sensoren, Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz. 1.0
- Kabelitz, T.; Amon, T. (2024): Forschung zu Infektionen und antimikrobiellen Resistenzen (AMR) bei Nutztieren. 1.0
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