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Foto: ATB


Development of an integrative mathematical modelling tool for water vapor and condensation dynamics in fresh produce packaging.
Koordinierendes Institut
Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. (ATB)
Ansprechpartner ATB

Appropriate packaging is one of the essential methods for protecting and maintaining quality, as it prolongs the shelf life of produce from growers to consumers. Improved packaging, e.g. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) or Modified Atmosphere and Humidity Packaging (MAHP), could enable transporting fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables for long distances. In this context, this PhD research work aims to develop a mathematical model that is applicable to all fresh fruits and vegetables in MAP and MAHP. The model is intended to predict water vapor and condensation dynamics in fresh produce packaging, with the aim of increasing shelf life of food products by predicting moisture evolution and relative humidity (RH).

Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Science without Borders, Brazilian federal government


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