Wajid Umar Ph.D.
Abteilung: Technikbewertung
Mitarbeit in Forschungsprogrammen
- Measurement and reduction of ammonia, methane, and nitrous oxide from dairy barns.
- Measurement and reduction of nitrous oxide emission from fertilized soils.
- Development and characterization of slow-release nitrogen fertilizers.
- NUTRITIVE – Innovative decision-making tool for defining the most suitable manure management strategies to achieve a sustainable livestock farming system during the whole value chain Livestock farming is a key sector that involves 40 % of the total a…
- ECONUTRI – Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air ECONUTRI ist ein Konsortium aus wissenschaftlichen Experten un…
- Tufail, M.; Ayyub, M.; Tariq, L.; Iltaf, J.; Asbat, A.; Bashir, I.; Umar, W. (2024): Nitrogen fertilizers and the future of sustainable agriculture: a deep dive into production, pollution, and mitigation measures. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. (4): p. 1-21. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/00380768.2024.2361068
- Umar, W.; Balogh, J.; Khalid Hameed, M.; Ashar Ayub, M.; Hasham Anwaar, M.; Czinkota, I.; Gulyás, M. (2023): Reduction of nitrous oxide emission by using stearic acid combined zinc coated urea in silty clay and sandy loam soils under bare and planted conditions. Heliyon. (12): p. 22578. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22578