Gesunde Lebensmittel

Foto: Manuel Gutjahr

Sept 27, 2016

ATB-Colloquium: Emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia in handling of livestock manure: Mitigation opportunities and interactions

Speaker: Sajeev Erangu Purath Mohankumar (PhD student); University of Graz (DK-Climate Change program)  

Working on emissions abatement in the agricultural sector. 

Handling livestock manure is a major source of ammonia (NH3) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The objective of the study is to identify NH3 and GHG mitigation options through a comprehensive literature review to estimate their emission reduction potential. In addition, the trends and estimates of emission interactions between NH3 and GHGs from implementing the proposed mitigation options are analysed quantitatively. The results from this study highlight the considerable potential of mitigation options to reduce NH3 and GHGs. The results also show that the interaction between gases is significant and cannot be ignored. Current abatement policies are focussed on mitigating a specific gas and discount for emission interactions. Hence, an integrated assessment, accounting for interactions is vital for achieving overall emission reductions. This holistic approach would be helpful for scientists and policy makers in designing comprehensive emission mitigation strategies.   

Inviting scientist: Priv. Doz. Dr. Barbara Amon  



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