Digitalization is seen as a key driver for modern and sustainable agriculture. Technologies such as geo-referenced agriculture with site-specific applications, robotics and artificial intelligence are increasingly shaping the development of the sector. But how can the goals of agroecology be achieved? What framework conditions are required to promote positive effects and minimize possible negative impacts?
Aim of the workshop:
Identification of opportunities and risks of digitalization for agroecologyNeed for action Politics, agriculture, science, society, industry
- Expectations of actors, politics, stakeholdersPitches on the following topics, among others:
- What can digitalization contribute to diversification in agriculture? Can digital technologies be the key to expanding organic farming and regionalized value chains?
- Change in the agricultural industry - realignment towards the 'digital Green Deal'
- Importance of innovations & start-ups for the digital transformation
Location: Green Week, Berlin Exhibition Grounds - Hub 27 Beta 3+4
Date & time: 22.01.2025 09:30-15:00
Programme: Download PDF
Organizer: Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)
Andreas Meyer-Aurich and Friederike Schwierz
(Coordination Digitalization as Enabler for Agroecology,
Contact: d4agecol@, Tel. 03315699 226
Registration (free) via Eventbrite
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