The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) is an institute of the Leibniz Association. It has the legal status of a registered association. Its acivities are based on the legal framework, the statutes of the 'Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy'. ATB is institutionally funded by the State of Brandenburg, the Community of States and the Federal Republic of Germany.
Supreme governing body is the General Assembly. Scientific advice is provided by the Scientific Advisory Board. Other organs are the Executive Board and the Internal Advisory Board.
Research at the ATB is organised in a research structure according to Programme Areas. It is carried out in an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental manner.
The Departments have the task of ensuring and further developing technical and methodological expertise in their respective fields of knowledge.
Detailed organigram of the ATB (PDF)
The Science Management Unit assists the Board in strategic and organizational issues and provides support for researchers (research coordination, support for EU activities and networks, research data management, public relations, knowledge and technology transfer).
Administration also provides central services. Its tasks comprise general administration, accounting and finance, human resources, library, information and documentation, IT administration, facility management and a central workshop.