Technology transfer at the ATB
In order to put technical developments into practice, ATB supports its researchers in developing patents and realising spin-off ideas. At the same time, ATB researchers are involved in and/or chair numerous social and political advisory committees.
Protecting and utilising innovations
The transfer of scientific and technical know-how between research and industry is a driving force for innovation and sustainable development.
At ATB, know-how above and below the threshold of intellectual property rights is created within the framework of the institute's own research activities, within the framework of cooperation in national and international research projects and in direct cooperation with commercial enterprises. Protecting research results in the form of patents and other forms of intellectual property promotes the transfer of knowledge into practical application and enables interested commercial enterprises to further develop knowledge-intensive business areas and secure their competitiveness.
ATB holds an extensive property rights portfolio of more than 20 property rights families.
Partnership with Ascenion GmbH
ATB is one of 8 Leibniz institutes that have signed an exclusive partnership with the knowledge and technology transfer company Ascenion GmbH. The agency with its expertise in the life sciences and environmental sciences supports ATB in all aspects of patenting and commercialisation of its research results.
Spin off
Start-up projects utilise the research results and knowledge of the ATB and transfer it into application through commitment, creativity and entrepreneurial action.
Start-up projects:
Denk-Raum "L" GmbH: Consultancy on the implementation of the circular economy in the economy and life of rural areas
Melk-Fee GmbH Topic: Milk production and milking technology
Gouna GmbH Topic: Health tracker for cattle
Are you interested in founding a company in the field of agricultural technology and bioeconomy?
External founders will also find excellent conditions for cooperating with science:
- For example, you can develop and test new technologies and applications on our test areas in the Fieldlab for Digital Agriculture.
- You will receive mentoring from our scientists.
- We apply for suitable funding.
- We establish contacts with stakeholders and customers.