Junior staff development

The promotion of scientific and professional youth is a major concern of the ATB.
Support begins during the study. We want to inspire students for a future scientific career. Internships, bachelor's and master's theses offer the opportunity to learn scientific methods and carry out research tasks. In addition, ATB offers job training for technical and administrative professions.
Outstanding graduates with natural sciences and engineering background have the opportunity to graduate at ATB in collaboration with a partner university. PhD students receive special support through training opportunities and a personalized support agreement.
ATB's directive on the promotion of doctoral candidates follows the recommendations of the Leibniz Association. As part of our Doctoral program bioeconomy, doctoral students can participate in a series of lectures on interdisciplinary topics. In addition, they receive qualification offers for scientific research, trainings in good scientific practice, experimental design and statistical analysis, scientific publishing and presenting as well as languages.
The qualification courses take place at the ATB as well as in close co-operation with other institutions of the research area Berlin/Brandenburg (e.g. Humboldt Graduate School, Potsdam Graduate School).
Agreement on PhD graduation
A promotion agreement between ATB and the PhD student is signed at the beginning of the doctoral phase. It guarantees scientific support within the ATB and the interaction with the university. It regulates rights and duties of doctoral students. PhD thesis, funding and time frame are clearly described and agreed upon and also the dutis of doctoral students to lectures and publications. The agreement takes the personal situation of the doctoral students into account and enables the reconciliation of family and professional responsibilities.
PhD student representatives
The PhD students annually elect three representatives, who represent the interests of doctoral students to the institute. The doctoral representatives regularly participate in the meetings of the Collegium, thus realizing the active participation of doctoral students in the self-administration of ATB.
Persons of trust
For advice and support in all issues concerning their graduation the PhD students elect two scientists as persons of trust.
PhD Days
PhD Days are scheduled twice a year. All PhD students from ATB meet to present their current research projects - not only to their fellow PhD students, but also to interested ATB colleagues and guests. PhD Days are dedicated to increase the communication and net-working on a scientific as well as on an informal level. The event is a great opportunity to practice presentation in front of a more informal audience of fellow students and within a familiar atmosphere. It serves for professional exchange and the clarification of issues and problems associated with the promotion, exchange ideas and comments.
Activities like excursions and sporting activities e.g canoeing are organized by doctoral students themselves and contribute to team building.