Scientific Advisory Board
For the evaluation of research performance and to advise the institute in all relevant scientific matters the General Assembly appoints up to ten distinguished personalities from academia and industry to the Scientific Advisory Board. According to the 2002 elaborated recommendations of the Senate of the Leibniz Association, the Scientific Advisory Board significantly contributes to quality management in research.
The Advisory Board is independent in its consulting work and meets twice annually for consultation. The Advisory Board advises the ATB in all relevant scientific issues. This is especially true for the program budgets and the annual reports. The Board carries out audits on the excellency of ATB's research every two years. Results are reported to the General Assembly and the Leibniz Association.
Board members (July 2023):
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zentek (Chair)
Freie Universität Berlin - Prof. Dr. Christine Lang (Vice Chair)
MBCC Group - Consulting and Coaching in Microbiotics and Bioeconomy - Prof. Liliana-Aurelia Bădulescu
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest - Prof. Dr. Thijs Defraeye
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Pickel
JOHN DEERE GmbH & Co. KG, European Technology Innovation Center - Prof. Dr. Stefan Stiene
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück - Dr. Vinícius Pereira Guimarães
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) - Prof. Dr. Christina Umstätter
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute - Prof. Dr. Mariana Rufino
Technical University of Munich