Transfer and co-creation - knowledge-driven and application-inspired
We conduct research for the transformation of our science into a sustainable, bio-based circular economy - for the benefit and use of society. To this end, we work intensively with partners from industry and society, cultivate exchange, and co-creatively develop specific questions and technical as well as systemic solutions.
Our target groups

We address politics and associations in order to enable people in decisive positions to make knowledge-based decisions. We advise, make recommendations for action and participate in the creation of guidelines and in decision-making committees.
In particular, we include agriculture, relevant upstream and downstream sectors, material recyclers, the food industry and other economic sectors in our research. Co-creation processes as well as inter- and transdisciplinary research and development together with the economy enable us not only to develop practice-relevant and practical solutions but also to implement research-based solutions in a low-threshold manner.
We address the interested society in a dialogue to enable transformation processes on a broad basis by incorporating interests from society into our research. Conversely, we create visibility and acceptance for sustainable, bioeconomic transformations with our communication formats.