Work and family life
Our concept of family at ATB
'Family is everywhere where responsibility in terms of education and / or care is worn especially for spouses and partners, children, parents,and other relatives.'
We are committed to provide a family-friendly work environment for our staff members. Various offers and individual arrangements adress in particular those with young children or relatives in need of care, the balance of family and work.

Reconciliation of work and family life
We successfully participated in the 'berufundfamilie' audit since 2010 and have been certified several times since then. For its long-standing, ongoing commitment to a family and life phase oriented personnel policy, ATB has received permanent certification since 15 March 2020.
With family-oriented offers, especially in the area of flexible work schedules, and by designing a family-friendly work organisation, ATB has significantly increased its attractiveness for employees with family responsibilities.
Measures (selection)
- Flexible working hours within the teams, allowing family concerns to be taken into account
- Offers of part time work in different models
- Offers to work from flexible locations
- Regulations on flexible working time and places of work in a company agreement
- Structuring and reliable regulation of processes regarding family-related time off (parental leave, nursing leave)
- Offer of flexible childcare for exceptional care needs beyond the hours covered by school or nursery school (in cooperation with Kinderwelt GmbH, Potsdam)
- Inter-institutional internal appointments such as the ATB colloquium held during core working hours in the morning
- Consideration of the special obligations of doctoral students with family responsibilities through individual doctoral agreements
Our offers Flyer (download PDF)
Family-oriented personnel management
We will continue to expand our family-oriented personnel management.
Priority objectives include the development and perpetuation of an institute culture and policy that recognizes and appreciates the social relevance of family-related tasks, the implementation of work-life balance in the internal organization of work, raising the awareness of all managers for the concerns of employees with family responsibilities, qualifying senior scientists in their role as managers with responsibility for the human resources, and increasing awareness and communication of the subject at all organizational levels.