Our topics
Photo: ATB
Homepage / Our topics
Our topics
All our scientific activities can be classified in the context of bioecomic research - as manifold as the respective research subjects and topics are.
For example, we are working on the development of digital technologies for sustainable crop production, are researching for improved animal welfare as part of a One-Health approach or are extracting bio-based chemicals from residual materials.
Here, we have compiled a selection of interesting topics in a compact and clearly structured way: some relevant projects on the topic, the latest publications, news, events and contact persons.
BioeconomyUsing biogenic resources in a circular flow |
One HealthAgriculture as an integral part of sustainable health management |
Precise FruticultureSensors, drones and smart assiststants |
PaludicultureTechnology and innovation for rewetted fen sites. |
AI, Data Science and Digital TwinsTools for sustainable circular bioeconomy sytems |
Reconsidering packagingsMaintaining quality - reducing losses |
Insects as an alternative resourceMore than feed |
Biobased chemicalsPlastics from organic waste |
BiocharA multi-talent with climate protection effect |
BioeconomyUsing biogenic resources in a circular flow |
One HealthAgriculture as an integral part of sustainable health management |
Precise FruticultureSensors, drones and smart assiststants |
PaludicultureTechnology and innovation for rewetted fen sites. |
AI, Data Science and Digital TwinsTools for sustainable circular bioeconomy sytems |
Reconsidering packagingsMaintaining quality - reducing losses |
Insects as an alternative resourceMore than feed |
Biobased chemicalsPlastics from organic waste |
BiocharA multi-talent with climate protection effect |