Dr. agr. Christiane von Haselberg
Department: Science Management Unit
Research program
Research areas
Research funding consultancy, funding advice for the acquisition of third-party funds
Promotion of cooperation (establishment and expansion of cooperation, planning and implementation of networking activities)
Coordination and conceptual-strategic activities
Lobbying, representation and communication (incl. committees, AKs)
Committees and boards
BMEL AK EU Research Coordinators
Leibniz Association Working Group Europe
AK Europe MWFK
Leibniz Association AK International Leibniz
Scientific Committee PEARLS Foundation
- FRUTIC2019 – Innovations in the Postharvest Supply Chain of Fresh Produce (FRUTIC2019) Im Rahmen einer Vernetzungs- und Sondierungsreise nach Asien soll die Kooperation mit exzellenten Partnern in Malaysia, Thailand und HongKong auf dem Gebiet Nacher…
- MACE – Modern Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: Tools for the Analysis and Management of Rural Change
- EMiL – Entwicklung von Mikrosystemtechnik für Innovative Lebensmittelerzeugung
- Ländliche Räume Berlin Brandenburg
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
K. C. MERTENS, J. VANGEYTE, C. Von HASELBERG, M. HOLPP, R. L. DOERFLER, I. THYSEN. 2011. Web Based Research Mapping and Analysis: ICT-AGRI’s Meta Knowledge Base Centralizes ICT and Robotics Development in Agriculture and Related Environmental Issues. The 9th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2011, In the Context of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2011, July 19th - July 22nd, 2011 – Orlando, Florida, USA The ICT-AGRI meta knowledge base: designing a web based tool for mapping and analysing research and development on ICT and robotics in agriculture and environmental related businesses.
VANGEYTE, J.; WEYENBERG, S. van; HIJAZI, B.; NUYTTENS, D.; BOBRUTZKI, K. von; HASELBERG, C. von; HOLPP, M.; DOERFLER, R. L.; THYSEN, I. 2010. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering - AgEng 2010: towards environmental technologies, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 6-8 September 2010 2010 pp. 163
HASELBERG, C. VON, P. LÜDDERS AND STÖSSER, R. 2004. Pollen tube growth, fertilization and ovule longevity in the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.). Journal of Applied Botany 78:32-40.
Curriculum Vitae
Christiane von Haselberg,
- Agricultural scientist with focus on horticultural sciences (fruit growing), doctorate at the Humboldt University based on field studies of permanent crops in Portugal
- Since 2001 at ATB and since 2003 the function as a consultant for research coordination and promotion.
- The main focus of her work is the initiation and coordination of cooperation with national and EU/int. partners from research and industry e.g. in EU projects as well as strategy and measures for the internationalisation of the ATB.