Scientific meetings should be organised in the spirit of responsible consumption and production, including the prioritisation of plant-based meals to reduce nitrogen loss. The Manifesto of Cercedilla, just published with ATB participation in the scientific journal nature food, describes how.
Due to the current travel restrictions caused by the pandemic, alternative forms of scientific exchange beyond international conferences are becoming increasingly interesting. Telephone and video conferences, streaming and virtual meeting rooms are the platforms for professional exchange with colleagues all over the world. The avoidance of air and rail travel saves considerable amounts of CO2. However, the potential for more sustainability in the world of science is far from being exhausted, says a group of scientists who have summarised their suggestions in a paper recently published in the journal nature food.
The article constitutes an output from the Expert Panel of Nitrogen and Food of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen under the Working Group on Strategies and Review of the UN–ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.
The idea for the manuscript of the so-called Manifesto of Cercedilla was born at the meeting place of the same name.
The article has been published in the scientific journal nature food (not available open access):
Sanz-Cobena, A., Alessandrini, R., Bodirsky, B.L., Springmann, M.; Aguilera, E.; Amon, B. et al.:Research meetings must be more sustainable. nature food 1: 187-189 (2020)
Contact ATB: Barbara Amon