Oct 4, 2016: The start of the series of seminars for agricultural economics offered an excellent opportunity to officially launch the cooperation agreement between ATB and Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences.
Between ATB and the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences close contacts in research collaboration already exist. The now effective cooperation agreement will intensify in the medium to long term cooperation between the partners in research and teaching in the field of agricultural science with the focus on animal husbandry and food and feed technology.
Prof. Dr. Reiner Brunsch (left), ATB's scientific director, and Prof. Micha Teuscher, rector of Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, sealed the cooperation by hand shake and thus gave the start signal for an even closer cooperation.
As a visible sign of the new cooperation, Prof. Brunsch talked about 'Digitalizing of agriculture - chances for nature and society' in the kickoff event of a new series of seminars on agricultural economics at Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences.
The lectures (Program) at HS NB are open to everybody and are held tuesdays, 2-4 p.m. in HS2, mainbuilding.