PD Dr. Katrin Drastig
Department: Technology Assessment
Research program
Research areas
- Process assessment under climate change conditions
- Assessment of technical and process adaptation demand
- Agricultural water balances of single processes and of whole branches as basis for further development
Committees and boards
- Collaboration in the Technical Committee GB-4 "Soil Water Management" of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA)
- Member in the working group (WG 11) for the development of ISO 14002-2 „Environmental management systems – Guidelines for using ISO 14001 to address environmental aspects and conditions within an environmental topic area – Part 2: Water”
- ATB-contact person for the Germany's National Meteorological Service, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) (since 2017)
- ATB-Person of confidence for PhD students (since 2011)
- AgroHyd-X – Einsatz von X-Band Wetterradar zur hochauflösenden Niederschlagserfassung und teilflächenspezifischen Bewirtschaftung Neben Klimawandel, Biodiversitätserhalt und Energieversorgung gehört der effiziente Umgang mit Wasser zu den großen Hera…
- WED – Management of Water and Effluents on Dairy Farms Im Projekt WED wird das Wasser- und Abwassermanagement in Milchviehbetrieben im Hinblick der Bedingungen unter Klimawandel untersucht und modelliert. Dabei werden unter Einbeziehung von 50 Praxis…
- InnoHof – Leibniz-Innovationshof für nachhaltige Bioökoomie Auf dem Leibniz-Innovationshof für nachhaltige Bioökonomie werden künftig innovative Konzepte und Technologien für eine nachhaltige, zirkuläre Bioökonomie entwickelt und erprobt, indem Landw…
- BfN-Agrartech – Artenschutz im Licht modernisierter Landtechniken Die Hälfte der Fläche Deutschlands wird landwirtschaftlich genutzt, ca. 70 % hiervon als Ackerland. Ein massiver Rückgang sowohl der Artenvielfalt als auch in den Abundanzen ist insbes…
- ALCIS – Sensorbasierte Fernsteuerung des Wassermanagements und sensorbasierte Überwachung des vegetativen Zustandes gartenbaulicher Kulturen - ein Low Cost System aus integrierten Netzwerkknoten und Kommunikationsnetzen Im Fokus von ALCIS steht das B…
- WFP – Water Footprint Assessment of meat and dairy products In any national or international forum that the competitiveness of Brazilian livestock is being discussed, the natural resource that appears to have a big differential is water. Brazil is …
- AgroHyd – Welternährung und Wasserressourcen: eine agrarhydrologische Perspektive. Der globale Wandel - wachsende Weltbevölkerung, ein Anstieg des mittleren Nahrungsenergiebedarfs pro Kopf und des Anteils tierischer Nahrungsmittel in verschiedenen Lä…
- Palhares, J.; Zanella Carra, S.; Ebert, L.; Giacomello, C.; Drastig, K. (2024): How the type of dairy production system affects the nutrient balance from an environmental and economic perspective. Science of the Total Environment. (June): p. 172835. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172835
- Drastig, K.; Zimmermann, B.; Ammon, C.; Jacobs, H. (2024): Water productivity and irrigation water demand of potatoes in Brandenburg (Germany) between 1902 and 2020. Potato Research. (2): p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11540-024-09734-z
- Zanella Carra, S.; Drastig, K.; Palhares, J.; Anderson Bortolin, T.; Koch, H.; Schneider, V. (2023): Impact assessment of livestock production on water scarcity in a watershed in southern Brazil. Water. (22): p. 3955. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/15/22/3955
- Drastig, K.; Singh, R.; Telesca, F.; Jordan, J.; Zanella Carra, S. (2023): A review of nutritional water productivity (NWP) in agriculture: why it is promoted and how it is assessed?. Water. (24): p. 4278. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/w15244278
- Drastig, K.; Schmidtke, L.; Jacobs, H.; Recker, M. (2023): Landwirtschaftlicher Wasserhaushalt im Polder Scheidgraben (Brandenburg). Grundwasser. : p. 147-166. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00767-022-00531-4
- Zanella Carra, S.; Palhares, J.; Drastig, K.; Schneider, V.; Ebert, L.; Giacomelle, C. (2022): Water productivity of milk produced in three different dairy production systems in Southern Brazil. Science of the Total Environment. (01.07.2022): p. 157117. Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157117
- Drastig, K.; Kreidenweis, U.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Ammon, C.; Prochnow, A. (2021): Case study of effects of mineral N fertilization amounts on water productivity in rainfed winter rapeseed cultivation on a sandy soil in Brandenburg (Germany) over three years. Water. (14): p. 1958. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13141958
- Boulay, A.; Drastig, K.; Amanullah; Chapagain, A.; Charlon, V.; Civit, B.; Hess, T.; Hoekstra, A.; Ibidhi, R.; Lathuillière, M.; Manzardo, A.; McAllister, T.; Motoshita, M.; Pirlo, G.; Ridoutt, B.; Russo, V.; Salmoral, G.; Singh, R.; Vanham, D.; Pfister, S. (2021): Building consensus on water use assessment of livestock production systems and supply chains: outcome and recommendations from the FAO LEAP Partnership. Ecological Indicators. (Mai 2021): p. 107391. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107391
- Herppich, W.; Gusovius, H.; Flemming, I.; Drastig, K. (2020): Effects of drought and heat on photosynthetic performance, water use and yield of two important fibre hemp cultivars at a poor-soil site in Brandenburg (Germany). Agronomy. (9): p. 1361. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/10/9/1361
- Zanella Carra, S.; Palhares, J.; Drastig, K.; Schneider, V. (2020): The effect of best crop practices in the pig and poultry production on water productivity in a Southern Brazilian watershed. Water. (11): p. 3014. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113014
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
DIN EN ISO 14002-2 Umweltmanagementsysteme - Leitlinien für die Nutzung von ISO 14001 zur Behandlung von Umweltaspekten und -zuständen innerhalb eines Umweltthemengebiets - Teil 2: Wasser (ISO 14002-2:2023); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 14002-2:2023
- Drastig, K., Vellenga, L., Qualitz, G., Singh, R., Pfister, S., Boulay, A.-M., Wiedemann, S., Prochnow, A., Chapagain, A., De Camillis, C., Opio, C. & Mottet, A. (2021) Accounting for livestock water productivity - How and why?. Land and Water Discussion Papers. Rome, FAO. https://doi.org/10.4060/ca7565en
- FAO (2019) LEAP: Guidelines for water use assessment of livestock production systems and supply chains. FAO, Rom, 104 S. http://www.fao.org/partnerships/leap/resources/guidelines/en/
Curriculum Vitae
Katrin Drastig
Professional Career:
- 2018 Habilitation in Crop Sciences, Humboldt-University zu Berlin
- since 2009 Research Scientist at the Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim within the research area "Water efficiency in agriculture"
- 09/2004 - 03/2009 Assistant in the young researcher group "Information and Modelling Systems for the Management of Large-scale Flood Events" at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section Hydrology
- 10/1999 - 09/2004 Assistant and PhD-student in the project "Waterbudget of Disturbed and Undisturbed Ecosystems" of the German Science Council
- 10/1998 - 10/2003 Research Scientist at the Institute of Applied Geosciences in Giessen, Germany