A circular, diverse, innovative and sustainable bioeconomy produces healthy food for all, operates on the basis of renewable raw materials and facilitates the realization of One Health for humans, animals and the environment. In line with this vision, ATB has defined its research strategy from 2024 to 2033. It serves as a guiding framework for the organisation and direction of all research efforts. ATB uses it to define its priorities and manage the implementation process.
Enabling transformation and innovation
A bio-based, future-proof circular economy paves the way for a more innovative, resource-efficient and competitive society. It combines food security with the sustainable use of renewable resources for industrial purposes and at the same time ensures environmental protection, strengthens competitiveness and creates jobs. With this goal in mind, the research strategy describes the orientation of the ATB's five programme areas with their overarching research questions and as drivers of innovation. It promotes the development of innovative, technological solutions that contribute to Germany's and Europe's technological sovereignty and thematic leadership in the deep tech approach. At the same time, it opens up the scope to react flexibly to newly developed scientific findings, political agendas, emerging challenges and opportunities and to remain competitive both nationally and internationally. The implementation process promotes continuous reflection and refinement.
The research strategy sets the direction for strategic decisions at ATB. It is updated every two years. Other strategies, such as the publication strategy, the career strategy or the transfer and co-creation strategy, contain goals and measures for realising the ATB's sub-goals. They are in line with the medium and long-term strategic development goals of the ATB's research strategy. Measures taken are continuously reviewed, adapted to changing conditions and further developed.