On 6 November 2024, around 100 interested participants from research, agriculture, agricultural consulting and services met on the premises of the Institute for Animal Breeding and Husbandry (LVAT) in Groß Kreutz to exchange ideas on ‘Digitalisation and Remote Sensing in Crop Production’. The fully booked field day was held by DigiMix-PA together with the digital experimental field AgriSens-DEMMIN 4.0, Soil-X-Change and the Demonstration farms for integrated crop production, supported by the Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy.
How can drones be used effectively? How can yields be estimated accurately? And how can data from agriculture be used profitably? With a mix of lectures, panel discussions and demonstrations, the diverse programme offered participants a comprehensive insight into the current developments and challenges of digital agriculture.
The results of the various projects were presented and discussed in lectures. During the panel discussion, experts from research, consulting and practice reported on their experiences with digital technologies, but also on their wishes for them. Afterwards, the programme led to the various exhibition stands and demonstrations. Extensive information and intensive discussions followed. Overall, the event offered a very successful mix of theory and practice.
We would like to thank LVAT for providing the premises and exhibition space, all the experts for their contributions and all our visitors for their keen interest and intensive exchange.