Leibniz President Prof. Dr. Martina Brockmeier and the Chairman of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment, Member of the Bundestag Kai Gehring, hosted the "Leibniz Lunch in the Bundestag" at the end of April. 130 days after the 15th World Conference on Nature in Montreal, Canada, the event offered a stimulating exchange between science and politics.
The Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity (Leibniz Biodiversity) presented the latest scientific findings and important contexts relevant to the implementation of the global biodiversity goals in Germany in the wake of the World Conference on Nature to members of parliament from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, SPD, FDP, CDU/CSU and Die Linke and their colleagues.
PD Dr. Kirsten Thonicke (PIK), Prof. Dr. Jörg Overmann (DSMZ) and PD Dr. Katrin Drastig, representing Prof. Dr. Annette Prochnow (ATB), gave keynote scientific presentations on climate, biocultural biodiversity, biodiversity-friendly incentives, invisible biodiversity, digital sequence information (DSI), sustainable agriculture, food and water. In a subsequent discussion moderated by Eva Rahner (PIK), the topics were lively discussed and deepened with the political representatives.
Annette Prochnow and Katrin Drastig presented the ATB research ideas in the field of agriculture and biodiversity under the title "Diversification in agriculture: a contribution to food security, promotion of biodiversity, climate protection and adaptation to climate change". The basic idea: agricultural diversity and biodiversity are inextricably linked. Diversification is a way to reverse the negative trend in both areas and to leverage synergies with long-term productivity.
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