The "Follow Me" assistance system from agricultural machinery manufacturer Weidemann was awarded the silver medal at the EuroTier Innovation Award. The new function enables the operator to dismount from the wheel loader and automatically follow it to the next working point. "Follow me" is based on joint basic research by Weidemann and ATB.
Repeatedly mounting and dismounting when operating a wheel loader is physically demanding and increases the risk of injury. Where normally two people are needed to operate the wheel loader and carry out manual work in front of it at the same time, the new “Follow me” system from Weidemann makes the work much easier.
It is easy to use: The driver of the Hoftrac activates the function with a key switch, gets off the machine and activates the forward movement with the help of his remote control. As long as the button remains pressed, the wheel loader follows the driver. A virtual safety zone is created around the machine. This runs along all sides of the machine. If people, animals or objects enter the safety zone from outside, the machine slows down to a standstill. This eliminates the need to constantly get on and off the machine or even for a second person to work manually in front of the machine.
Further information from Weidemann
ATB has contributed to this success with its many years of expertise in the fields of agro-mechatronics, sensory detection of the environment and automation in agriculture. Through the joint development of ideas, concepts and technologies with partners from industry and practice, ATB supports the agricultural transformation towards a sustainable bioeconomy. Among other things, the functional model of the SunBot for autonomous, emission-free shrub berry care was also developed in co-creation.