Feb 22, 2016: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kleiner, President of the Leibniz Association, visited the ATB today. During a brief tour, ATB Director Prof. Dr. Reiner Brunsch presented the institute and some highlights of the current research. Prof. Kleiner was impressed by the spectrum of interdisciplinary research for the development of bio-economic concepts.
In the wind tunnel, visualising air stream with laser light sectioning, Prof. Dr. Thomas Amon and other ATB scientists demonstrated the air flows in the environment of livestock buildings. With its unique infrastructure and methodology ATB is not only involved in European research networks. Among others, as part of the Leibniz Research Association „INFECTIONS´21“ ATB analyzes the mechanisms of the spread of infectious aerosol particles from stables.
New methods for the non-invasive determination of quality and improved safety of perishable fresh products were the focus of the station "Freshness lab" (picture above). Prof. Kleiner showed particular interest in the possibilities of combining and miniaturization of various sensors for application in food control.
With mealworms, silkworms and soldier flies Dr. Birgit Rumpold vividly presented the potential of insects as future protein sources for animals and humans.
This was followed by a lively discussion with doctoral students and postdocs (picture below) concerning the situation of young scientists and career paths in science and research. Dr. Oluwafemi Caleb, currently working at the ATB as a Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, expressed his wish to the Leibniz-President to initiate a mentoring program for male scientists - analogous to the existing Leibniz program for women in science.