Dipl. Ing. Lars Thormann
Department: Sensors and Modelling
Research programs
- Yi, Q.; Janke, D.; Thormann, L.; Zhang, G.; Amon, B.; Hempel, S.; Nosek, S.; Hartung, E.; Amon, T. (2020): Airflow characteristics downwind a naturally ventilated pig building with a roofed outdoor exercise yard and implications on pollutant distribution. Applied Sciences. (14): p. 4931. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app10144931
- Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Thormann, L.; Hempel, S.; Amon, B.; Nosek, S.; van Overbeke, P.; Amon, T. (2020): Direct measurements of the volume flow rate and emissions in a large naturally ventilated building. Sensors. (21): p. 6223. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216223