We are pleased to announce that our institute is now a full member of the Leibniz Association's Standing Committee on Research Infrastructure Facilities and Research Museums (KIM). This commission plays a central role in the exchange and cooperation within the Leibniz Association in the field of research infrastructures.
The KIM advises the Executive Board of the Leibniz Association on all matters relating to scientific infrastructures – including the eight Leibniz research museums – and promotes the exchange of experience and cooperation between the various Leibniz institutions.
ATB has a wide range of research infrastructures and thus a wealth of experience in setting up, using and providing such facilities. Our infrastructures include:
- the Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy,
- the Fieldlab for Digital Agriculture at the Marquardt research site, a test station for sensor-based precision horticulture,
specialized pilot plants for biogas, biochar and plant fiber processing,
- and application laboratories such as the pilot plant for biochemicals and the boundary-layer wind tunnel, where new technologies are tested under real-world conditions.
Prof. Barbara Sturm, Scientific Director at ATB, has been spokesperson of the commission in her role as Vice President of the Leibniz Association since 2021 and is pleased that ATB, as a new member of the commission, can now also contribute to the further development of the Leibniz Association: “Institutional membership in KIM enables us to play an even more active role in shaping the research landscape in Germany. We look forward to contributing our expertise in the development, operation and shared use of research infrastructures from the laboratory to the practical scale even more intensively to the Leibniz Association. In particular, we will work to improve the networking of existing and future infrastructures. This will allow for a more efficient use of resources in the future and support the co-creative development of DeepTech products and technologies in collaboration with industry and practitioners.”
ATB's research infrastructures are also represented in the current Leibniz Roadmap, which contains concepts for prioritized research infrastructures of the Leibniz Association. The roadmap takes into account the highest scientific quality, strategic importance and sustainable operation. This underlines the importance of our research infrastructures for the German research landscape.
We look forward to contributing our expertise and commitment to the KIM and to further developing the research infrastructures and application laboratories within the Leibniz Association and in Germany as a whole, together with other Leibniz institutions, including our own application laboratory.