Dr. Hamed Tavakoli
Articles in peer reviewed journals [6 Results]
- Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Vogel, S.; Oertel, M.; Zimne, M.; Heisig, M.; Harder, A.; Wruck, R.; Pätzold, S.; Leenen, M.; Gebbers, R. (2024): The RapidMapper: State-of-the-art in mobile proximal soil sensing based on a novel multi-sensor platform. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (November): p. 109443. Online: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168169924008342
- Schmidinger, J.; Barkov, V.; Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Ostermann, M.; Atzmüller, M.; Gebbers, R.; Vogel, S. (2024): Which and how many soil sensors are ideal to predict key soil properties: A case study with seven sensors. Geoderma. (October): p. 117017. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117017
- Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Sabetizadeh, M.; Vogel, S. (2023): Predicting key soil properties from Vis-NIR spectra by applying dual-wavelength indices transformations and stacking machine learning approaches. Soil and Tillage Research. (May): p. 105684. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2023.105684
- Alirezazadeh, P.; Rahimi-Ajdadi, F.; Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y.; Landwehr, N.; Tavakoli, H. (2021): Improved digital image-based assessment of soil aggregate size by applying convolutional neural networks. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (December): p. 106499. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2021.106499
- Tavakoli, H.; Alirezazadeh, P.; Hedayatipour, A.; Banijamali Nasib, A.; Landwehr, N. (2021): Leaf image-based classification of some common bean cultivars using discriminative convolutional neural networks. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (February): p. 105935. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105935
- Tavakoli, H.; Mohtasebi, S.; Alimardani, R.; Gebbers, R. (2014): Evaluation of different sensing approaches concerning to nondestructive estimation of leaf area index (LAI) for winter wheat. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems. (1 March): p. 337-359. Online: http://www.s2is.org/Issues/v7/n1/papers/paper18.pdf
Monographs by authorship [1 result]
Book chapters and proceedings [2 Results]
- Post, S.; Tavakoli, H.; Ostermann, M.; Marek, M.; Bourouah, M.; Bönecke, E.; Kramer, E.; Vogel, S. (2023): Improving estimates of plant-available phosphorus through sensor data fusion at field scale. In: Canavari, M.; Vitali, G.; Mattetti(eds.): 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Unleashing the potential of precision agriculture. Book of Abstracts (Posters). 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA 2023). Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari, Bologna, p. 165-166. Online: https://www.ecpa2023.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ECPA-2023-Book-of-Abstracts-Posters.pdf
- Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Vogel, S.; Gebbers, R. (2022): RapidMapper - a mobile multi-sensor platform for the assessment of soil fertility in precision agriculture. In: VDI Wissensforum(eds.): Proceedings International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022. AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022. VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, (0083-5560/ 978-3-18092406-9), p. 351-357.
Orals and poster contributions [9 Results]
- Tavakoli, H.; Gebbers, R. (2025): Application of near-range sensors for precise soil liming.
- Tavakoli, H.; Gebbers, R. (2025): Near-range sensors for soil mapping: Introduction to the technology and its applications.
- Schmidinger, J.; Barkov, V.; Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Ostermann, M.; Atzmüller, M.; Gebbers, R.; Vogel, S. (2024): Testing different combinations of proximal soil sensors for high-resolution mapping of key soil fertility properties.
- Gebbers, R.; Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Wruck, R.; Vogel, S.; Bourouah, M.; Sowoidnich, K.; Beitz, T.; Erler, A. (2024): I4S Bodensensoren und RapidMapper.
- Gebbers, R.; Vogel, S.; Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Wruck, R. (2024): I4S - Intelligence for Soil: Integriertes System zum ortsspezifischen Management der Bodenfruchtbarkeit.
- Post, S.; Tavakoli, H.; Ostermann, M.; Marek, M.; Bourouah, M.; Rühlmann, J.; Bönecke, E.; Kramer, E.; Vogel, S. (2023): Improving estimates of plant-available phosphorus through sensor data fusion at field scale.
- Correa Reyes, J.; Tavakoli, H.; Vogel, S.; Gebbers, R. (2023): Risk of data leakage in model calibration using lab-based and in-situ NIR spectroscopy.
- Tavakoli, H.; Correa Reyes, J.; Vogel, S.; Gebbers, R. (2023): Improving soil fertility assessment from laboratory and in-situ Vis-NIR spectroscopy.
- Tavakoli, H.; Vogel, S. (2022): RapidMapper - a mobile multi-sensor platform for the assessment of soil fertility in precision agriculture.