James Michael Anderson (PhD, New Mexico Tech)
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [3 Results]
- Savolainen, T.; Giovannini, G.; Kovalev, Y.; Perucho, M.; Anderson, J.; Bruni, G.; Edwards, P.; Fuentes, A.; Giroletti, M.; Gómez, J.; Hada, K.; Lee, S.; Lisakov, M.; Lobanov, A.; López-Miralles, J.; Orienti, M.; Petrov, L.; Plavin, A.; Sohn, B.; Sokolovsky, K.; Voitsik, P.; Zensus, J. (2023): RadioAstron discovery of a mini-cocoon around the restarted parsec-scale jet in 3C 84*. Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A). (August): p. 1-29. Online: https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202142594
- Kim, J.; Savolainen, T.; Voitsik, P.; Kravchenko, E.; Lisakov, M.; Kovalev, Y.; Müller, H.; Lobanov, A.; Sokolovsky, K.; Bruni, G.; Edwards, P.; Reynolds, C.; Bach, U.; Gurvits, L.; Krichbaum, T.; Hada, K.; Giroletti, M.; Orienti, M.; Anderson, J.; Lee, S.; Sohn, B.; Zensus, J. (2023): RadioAstron Space VLBI Imaging of the Jet in M87. I. Detection of High Brightness Temperature at 22 GHz. The Astrophysical Journal. (1): p. 1-17. Online: https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/accf17
- Kim, J.; Savolainen, T.; Voitsik, P.; Kravchenko, E.; Lisakov, M.; Kovalev, Y.; Müller, H.; Lobanov, A.; Sokolovsky, K.; Bruni, G.; Edwards, P.; Reynolds, C.; Bach, U.; Gurvits, L.; Krichbaum, T.; Hada, K.; Giroletti, M.; Orienti, M.; Anderson, J.; Lee, S.; Sohn, B.; Zensus, J. (2023): RadioAstron Space VLBI Imaging of the jet in M87: I. Detection of high brightness temperature at 22 GHz. arXiv. : p. 1-27. Online: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2304.09816
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken [1 result]
Vorträge und Poster [6 Results]
- Sennhenn, A.; Anderson, J. (2023): FAIRagro: FAIR Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems.
- Anderson, J.; Namwanza, R. (2023): Research Data Mangement Services at ATB.
- Amon, B.; Anderson, J.; Balmann, A.; Belingrath-Kimura, S.; Brandenburg, R.; Grundmann, P.; Grune, T.; Hansen, A.; Hoffmann, T.; Lotze-Campen, H.; May, D.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Prochnow, A.; Schiller, G.; Schlüter, O.; Senft, M.; Sturm, B.; Ulbricht, M.; Weltzien, C. (2023): How to establish a Farm of the Future on an existing economically independent site under German conditions - opportunities and drawbacks.
- Sturm, B.; Anderson, J.; Namwanza, R.; Senft, M.; Hansen, A. (2023): IT infrastructure & Online RDM platform - An essential bedrock of a circular bioeconomy research infrastructure.
- Senft, M.; Anderson, J. (2022): FAIRagro mitgestalten! - Direkte und indirekten Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten.
- Anderson, J.; Foroushani, S.; Hoffmann, G.; Ilte, T.; Janke, D.; Senft, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Sturm, B.; Weltzien, C.; Hansen, A. (2022): IoT platform challenges, planning, and implementation for the Leibniz Innovation Farm (InnoHof).