The partly irreplaceable trees in the historical gardens and parks in Brandenburg are suffering from the consequences of climate change. There are many reasons for this: long dry periods with record heat in summer, a dro…
The objective is the development of a powerful process for the campaign-like energetic utilization of liquid and fibrous residues. A two-step process is being investigated with regard to transferability to a self-suffici…
The overall objective of the joint project is the development of products and / or pre-products for high-quality material use from reed biomass. Here, the focus is on the further development of glued products (OSB boards…
The project aims to develop the complete value chain from plant residue to final product, from the implementation of the complete bioprocess for lactic acid fermentation on the basis of lignocellulose (application of a n…
The aim of the project is to develop and technically implement a process engineering concept - called the NEVO process - for the utilization of nitrogenous fertilizers. Ideally, a mono-fermentation of these feedstocks, e…
Ziel des ZIM-Kooperationsnetzwerks BioPlastik ist die Entwicklung innovativer, biobasierter und abbaubarer Produkte aus Biopolymeren. Dabei müssen die Gebrauchseigenschaften der Biopolymere denen der derzeit verwendeten …
There is currently a lack of loss minimizing economic storage systems in all cultivation and recovery strategies for SRC wood. Depending on the harvesting process and storage system, spoilage-related losses of up to 25% …
Fundamental studies on the material use of process waste generated during the processing of whey. The initial situation in a production plant is analysed with regard to the process flows and product potentials are identi…
Rice bran is the by-product of rice industry, and available in huge amount in Asia. This project purposes production of lactic acid utilizing defatted rice bran as raw material. However, the rice bran contains about 15% …
The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency of newly constructed and existing biogas plants by optimizing the whole process chain of biogas production from fermentation to storage of digestate, while at the same…