Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften
- Susmozas, A.; Schroedter, L.; Manzanares, P.; Iglesias, R.; Schneider, R.; Venus, J.; Ballesteros, I. (2025): Enhanced enzymatic digestibility of steam-exploded short rotation hardwood species Betula pendula and its potential for lactic acid production. Journal of Cleaner Production. : p. 145042. Online: 1.0
- Kleps, C.; Schneider, R.; Venus, J.; Pleissner, D. (2024): Investigation of the utilization of oat pomace and acid whey in technical scale succinic acid fermentation including downstream processing. Sustainable Chemistry One World. : p. 1-10. Online: 1.0
- Kreidenweis, U.; Vargas Soplin, A. (2024): A modular framework to assess biological resource utilization impacts (BIORIM). Sustainable Production and Consumption. : p. 0. Online: 1.0
- Angulu, M.; Gusovius, H. (2024): Retting of Bast Fiber Crops Like Hemp and Flax-A Review for Classification of Procedures. Fibers. (3): p. 28. Online: 1.0
- Wall, A.; Rabemanolontsoa, H.; Venus, J. (2024): Bioprocessing and Fermentation Technology for Biomass Conversion. Applied Sciences. (5): p. 1-3. Online: (registering DOI) 1.0
- Ding, Z.; Thorsted Hamann, K.; Grundmann, P. (2024): Enhancing circular bioeconomy in Europe: Sustainable valorization of residual grassland biomass for emerging bio-based value chains. Sustainable Production and Consumption. (March): p. 265-280. Online: 1.0
- Dittrich, C.; Pecenka, R.; Selge, B.; Zacharias, M.; Kruggel-Emden, H. (2024): Production and investigation of water absorbent fibre pellets from unutilised lignocellulosic biomass pre-processed in a twin-screw extruder. Industrial Crops and Products. (August 2024): p. 118525. Online: 1.0
- Olszewska-Widdrat, A.; Babor, M.; Höhne, M.; Alexandri, M.; López Gómez, J.; Venus, J. (2024): A mathematical model-based evaluation of yeast extract’s effects on microbial growth and substrate consumption for lactic acid production by Bacillus coagulans. Process Biochemistry. (November): p. 304-315. Online: 1.0
- Schroedter, L.; Schneider, R.; Venus, J. (2024): Transforming waste wood into pure L-(+)-lactic acid: efficient use of mixed sugar media through cell-recycled continuous fermentation. Bioresource Technology. (March 2025): p. 132010. Online: 1.0
- Arefi, A.; Sturm, B.; Babor, M.; Horf, M.; Hoffmann, T.; Höhne, M.; Friedrich, K.; Schroedter, L.; Venus, J.; Olszewska-Widdrat, A. (2024): Digital model of biochemical reactions in lactic acid bacterial fermentation of simple glucose and biowaste substrates. Heliyon. (19): p. 38791. Online: 1.0
Monografien nach Autorenschaft
- Bearotti, C.; López-Hermoso Vallejo, E.; Venus, J.; Meyer, T.; Jiménez Lorenzo, R.; Lorenzo Navarro, M.; Ferrero Aguar, P.; Fronk, M.; Pieters, J. (2024): Alternative feedstock for biobased plastics: Bridging the gap between research and the market. A White Paper. How EU-funded research and innovation projects researched alternative feedstock for the production of biobased plastics. European Bioplastics, Berlin, 36 S. Online: 1.0
- Dittrich, C. (2024): Twin-screw extruded lignocellulosic plant residues: experimental study of physical properties of fibre and fibre products. Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 115 S. Online: 1.0
- Feehan, J.; di Giuseppe, P.; Garcia, A.; Giuliano, G.; Pagés, Y.; Pecenka, R.; Weber, T. (2023): Mini Paper 1: Land abandonment: Identification and assessment of viable business models. 16 S. 1.0
- Fischer, H.; Sigmund, I.; Schmid, I.; Kretz, R.; Gusovius, H.; Grashorn, C.; Schmid, H.; Hartwig, P.; Dederer, E.; Röhl, V. (2021): FibreScan - Entwicklung eines innovativen Gerätesystems zur automatischen Messung der Faserlängenverteilung von Naturfasern. Forschungsberichte aus dem Faserinstitut Bremen, Band 66. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, (ISBN-13: 9783755715757), 60 S. 1.0
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken
- Lühr, C.; Pecenka, R.; Heiermann, M.; Marten, A.; Landgraf, L. (2024): Biomasse aus wiedervernässten Niedermooren Brandenburgs für eine stoffliche Verwertung. In: Agrarforschung zum Klimawandel - Konferenz der Deutschen Agrarforschungsallianz. Agrarforschung zum Klimawandel. p. 121-121. Online: 1.0
- Staryh, V.; Lühr, C.; Pecenka, R.; Neumann, A.; Dag, T. (2024): Neue faserbasierte Lösungen zur Produktion von Formteilen aus Paludibiomasse im Nassverfahren. In: Agrarforschung zum Klimawandel - Konferenz der Deutschen Agrarforschungsallianz. Agrarforschung zum Klimawandel. p. 129-129. Online: 1.0
- Fehrenz, S.; Athmann, M.; Gemeinholzer, B.; Pecenka, R.; Silbermann, S.; Klussmann, H. (2024): SALIX - Breeding Willows with Specific Material and Growth Characteristics for Textile Timber Construction and as a Source of Salicylates. In: Eversmann, P.; Gengnagel, C.; Lienhard, J.; Ramsgaard Thomsen, M.; Wurm, J.(eds.): Scalable Disruptors. Design Modelling Symposium Kassel 2024. Scalable Disruptors - Design Modelling Symposium Kassel 2024 (DMS 2024). Springer Nature, Cham, (978-3-031-68274-2; 978-3-031-68275-9), p. 307-319. Online: 1.0
- Lucas, M.; Barkov, V.; Pecenka, R.; Atzmueller, M.; Waske, B. (2024): Mapping Trees Outside Forests Using Semantic Segmentation. In: IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IGARSS). IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, Athen, Griechenland, (979-8-3503-6032-5), p. 4435-4438. Online: 1.0
- Haub, A.; Mosebach, P.; Birr, F.; Schleip, I.; Pecenka, R.; Michalska, K.; Heiermann, M. (2024): Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Förderrichtlinie Klima- /Moorschutz - investiv des Landes Brandenburg. In: Prof. Dr. Schleip, I.; Prof. Dr. Wrage-Mönnig, N.(eds.): Tagungsband zur 66. Jahrestagung vom 04. bis 06. September 2024 in Eberswalde. 66. Jahrestagung der AGGF Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung im Grünland. p. 96-96. Online: 1.0
- Gusovius, H.; Koza, M.; Usman, M.; Aliev, K.; Salmurzauli, R.; Schmidt, G. (2024): Cultivation and use of alternative crops: Examples from Central Asia. In: Book of abstracts: LANDSCAPE 2024. LANDSCAPE 2024 - Agroecosystems in Transformation: Visions, Technologies and Actors. ZALF, Müncheberg, p. 81-81. Online: 1.0
- Schwarz, A.; Fiege, C.; Germer, S.; Pecenka, R.; Bischoff, W. (2024): C Sequestration and site melioration after reconversion of a Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) to agricultural use. In: Book of abstracts: LANDSCAPE 2024. LANDSCAPE 2024 - Agroecosystems in Transformation: Visions, Technologies and Actors. ZALF, Müncheberg, p. 113-113. Online: 1.0
- Lühr, C. (2024): Eine nachhaltige Alternative zur Holzfaser - Erste Ergebnisse für mechanisch aufbereitete Moorfasern aus der Paludikultur. In: Faserstoffsymposium 2024 - Tagungsband. Faserstoffsymposium 2024. p. 38-40. Online: 1.0
- Schulz-Nielsen, L.; Fiege, C.; Pecenka, R. (2024): Distribution of above- and belowground carbon in dependence to the management system of poplar coppices grown on agricultural land in eastern Germany. In: IPC 2024 - Book of Abstracts. 27th session of the International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC 27th Session). p. 195-196. Online: 1.0
- Pecenka, R.; Hernandez Estrada, A.; Kowalski, G. (2024): PappelWERT: Storage chambers to understand dry matter losses in wood chips from Poplar during storage. In: IPC 2024 - Book of Abstracts. 27th session of the International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC 27th Session). p. 76-77. Online: 1.0
Vorträge und Poster
- Lühr, C. (2024): Eine nachhaltige Alternative zur Holzfaser - Erste Ergebnisse für mechanisch aufbereitete Moorfasern aus der Paludikultur. 1.0
- Schulz-Nielsen, L.; Fiege, C.; Pecenka, R. (2024): Distribution of above- and belowground carbon in dependence of the management system of poplar coppices grown on agricultural land in eastern Germany. 1.0
- Nepal, S. (2024): Effect of wet preservation on characteristics and processing of lignocellulosic biomass of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) leftovers. 1.0
- Schulz-Nielsen, L. (2024): Tree digital twins - developing carbon monitoring methods for woody biomass stands. 1.0
- Pecenka, R.; Hernandez Estrada, A.; Kowalski, G. (2024): Storage chambers to understand dry matter losses in wood chips from Poplar during storage. 1.0
- Park, H.; Grundmann, P. (2024): Large scale biomethane project governance and stakeholder participation: cases in Germany. 1.0
- Park, H. (2024): Stakeholder inclusion in the governance of innovation: the cases of biomethane production in Germany. 1.0
- Schroedter, L. (2024): Fermentative production & purification of L-(+)-LA: assessing the potential of tree and shrub species growing on marginal land. 1.0
- Schroedter, L. (2024): L-(+)-lactic acid from 2nd generation renewable resources - cell-recycled continuous fermentation employing B. coagulans. 1.0
- Lößl, C.; Pecenka, R.; Jarmer, T. (2024): Using geometric UAV Data to derive bio-physical plant properties in Short Rotation Coppices. 1.0