Dr. agr. Christian Ammon
Department: Sensors and Modelling
- MEDICow – Individualisierte Mastitis-Risikoeinschätzung in der Milchviehhaltung durch Sensoren, Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz Das deutsch-irische Kooperationsprojekt MEDICow hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, auf Basis eines multisensorischen An…
- RES4LIVE – Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Consumption Verfahren und Gerätetechnik zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben anzupassen und im großem Maßstab auf Betriebsebene zu demonstrieren,…
- MELS – Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen aus Nutztierhaltungssystemen (MELS) Das Projekt MELS baut auf dem DATAMAN-Projekt der Global Research Alliance auf. In MELS werden zusätzliche Daten über die Emissionen aus dem Wirtschaftsdüngermanagement s…
- Schulte, H.; Ammon, C.; Hagenkamp-Korth, F.; Hartung, E. (2024): Reduction of ammonia emissions in fattening pig houses through the application of a urease inhibitor using different application techniques. Biosystems Engineering. (247): p. 42-62. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2024.08.011
- Thomas, C.; Idler, C.; Ammon, C.; Amon, T. (2024): Applied Research Note: Survival of Escherichia coli and temperature development during composting of chicken manure with a typically low carbon/nitrogen ratio and moisture content. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. : p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2024.100402
- Fromm, K.; Heinicke, J.; Ammon, C.; Amon, T.; Hoffmann, G. (2024): Performance of a UHF RFID Detection System to Assess Activity Levels and Lying Behaviour in Fattening Bulls. AgriEngineering. (6): p. 1886-1897. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/ agriengineering6020110
- Drastig, K.; Zimmermann, B.; Ammon, C.; Jacobs, H. (2024): Water productivity and irrigation water demand of potatoes in Brandenburg (Germany) between 1902 and 2020. Potato Research. (2): p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11540-024-09734-z
- Kashongwe, O.; Kabelitz, T.; Ammon, C.; Amon, T.; Doherr, M.; Amon, B. (2024): Influence of Preprocessing Methods of Automated Milking Systems Data on the Prediction of Mastitis with Machine Learning Models. AgriEngineering. (6): p. 3427-3442. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/agriengineering6030195
- Hilgert, J.; Herrmann, C.; Petersen, S.; Dragoni, F.; Amon, T.; Belik, V.; Ammon, C.; Amon, B. (2023): Assessment of the biochemical methane potential of in-house and outdoor stored pig and dairy cow manure by evaluating chemical composition and storage conditions. Waste Management. (August): p. 14-24. Online: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X23003781
- Cinar, G.; Dragoni, F.; Ammon, C.; Belik, V.; van der Weerden, T.; Noble, A.; Hassouna, M.; Amon, B. (2023): Effects of environmental and housing system factors on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from cattle barns: A meta-analysis of a global data collation. Waste Management. (1 December 2023): p. 60-70. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2023.09.007
- Schulte, H.; Ammon, C.; Hagenkamp-Korth, F.; Hartung, E. (2022): Investigating the time-dependent dose-response relationship of ammonia emissions reduction through the application of a urease inhibitor in pig fattening houses. Biosystems Engineering. (October): p. 45-61. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2022.07.008
- Hilgert, J.; Amon, B.; Amon, T.; Belek, V.; Dragoni, F.; Ammon, C.; Cárdenas, A.; Petersen, S.; Herrmann, C. (2022): Methane emissions from livestock slurry: effects of storage temperature and changes in chemical composition. Sustainability. (16): p. 9934. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14169934
- Schulte, H.; Ammon, C.; Hagenkamp-Korth, F.; Hartung, E. (2022): Investigation of the time-dependent dose-response relationship on reducing ammonia emissions by application of urease inhibitor in pig fattening. Biosystems Engineering. (222): p. 45-61.